Bundle Bundle's answer (16)

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Idk but Seok Jeha is up there. I don't know what's going on in Madman Combo and I don't need to.   5 reply
14 06,2020
Cherry Blossoms After Winter. I just think it's boring? Also, I hate it when during a sex scene the uke will want to stop or not want to do something and the same just ignores them. I dropped Sign for the same reason.   1 reply
10 10,2020
I knew I wouldn't like it based on the description but I gave Painter of the Night a chance because the artwork was so pretty. I also dropped Obscura because it was bad and I read a spoiler that the horrible guy gets a happy ending.   reply
14 06,2020
I just started Three Men, One Chinchilla and it felt like I was having a fever dream. I loved every minute of it.   2 reply
14 06,2020
44. It's fine, I already knew I was going to hell. But checking some of these items should automatically put you on an FBI watchlist.   1 reply
13 10,2020
about question
I'm biracial and I hate that shit.   2 reply
29 11,2020
I like wholesome comedies. You probably know about most of these but Someone Else's BL Manhwa Soulmate (GL) - it's ongoing and only like 20 chapters in but I like it so far. Roommates (BL) For Your Love (BL) Tamen de Gushi (GL)   reply
14 06,2020
Dubs. My ADD brain can't read subtitles and follow the story at the same time.   reply
01 07,2020
I quit a job after one week because my boss tried to sleep with me.   reply
07 07,2020
I have so many I keep meaning to read, but I just keep rereading Someone Else's BL Manhwa.   reply
28 06,2020
I think mine was Love Stage? Tbh I liked the anime better.   1 reply
21 06,2020
Bundle Bundle
03 07,2020
I Like You I read it because it was in the "top comedies" for a minute, but it wasn't funny. I kept reading because it had a high rating and good reviews, but it was bad.   reply
03 07,2020
I watched Dakaichi (refuse to read the manga) and I could not STAND Junta. Honestly, he's scary. Ayagi was introduced like halfway through the show as a villain, and don't get me wrong, he's a straight up predator, but somehow Junta came out of that arch looking worse. Takato says he doesn't know what happened with Ayagi because he was blacked out,......   1 reply
21 06,2020