ramkingluvbot's answer page 3 (107)

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23 08,2020
20 08,2020
how the fucc does that work   reply
20 08,2020
14 09,2020
idk i'm hella numb i'm basically sophia the robot at this point minus the destruction of humanity part but more of a rooted regret of being in this world and that feeling is buried deep within my very core   reply
14 09,2020
bruh what even is biology anymore   reply
24 08,2020
11 09,2020
i used to be super confused why peeps say sauce then i realised they meant sOurce   reply
11 09,2020
and.... what about it?   1 reply
11 09,2020
i mean.... i grew up reading those weird ass 1D fanfics when i was like 12?? i found out what porn was when i was about 10 or 11 i'm not surprised that kids are able to access these stuff bc of how some parents will leave their kids with screens in front of their faces but yeh i'm still surprised   reply
07 09,2020
idk what i just read i'm too afraid to ask at this point   reply
25 08,2020
i don't understand it and i find the whole wolves thing odd if they still have human features and in a human body i stay but when it's a whole fur and claws out i yeet   2 reply
14 09,2020
i have many questions i hope you cleaned the dildo before and after using it i- i didn't even have a proper phone at age 14 bruh   2 reply
22 08,2020
what the heck is heterophobia? ??   2 reply
06 08,2020
lemme hear you sAY THAT AGAIN   reply
03 09,2020
i'm talking about youtube comments tho like ya know those bl dramas i've seen comments calling those rape scenes "hot"??? also "i wish i was a guy" them wanting to be a gay dude makes me side eye lmaooo like yeah you can word it better than that ya know i know not all fujoshis are like that so uhh i mean you do you fam but yeh it just makes me un......   reply
08 09,2020
this post: "this is a dumb question don't reply" me: it's free real estate   reply
28 08,2020
i'm looking respectfully siR   reply
10 09,2020
songs from the 80s or 90s bc my parents would play lots of those, a big ass 1D fan (oh god why), songs from the radio and ofc who could forget our queen:   reply
13 09,2020
my babies   2 reply
10 09,2020
11 09,2020
this is why i'm always on mute jsjsjs i aM nOt taking risks   reply
11 09,2020