SymphonyForTheQuiet's answer page 1 (37)
Completly fair. No one has the obligation to clean, translate, upload, spend their time and money out of pure kindness of heart and recieve that kind of treatment for doing it on their pace. I mean for real. People should be fucking grateful for the groups doing this. They do it wanting nothing in return. So why not THANK THEM FOR THEIR ANGELIC HEA......
03 07,2019
You can't erase the memories, but you can make them bearable. Fill your time with stuff. Anything is fine. Games, crafts, start taking lessons on some languague you always wanted to learn, drink until you're dead drunk, cry all your tears, throw stuff at the wall. Let the pain run it's course. One day you'll suddently notice you made so much stuff ......
03 07,2019
WELL, if it was the dick and only the dick I'd try to stick it in different places for the hell of it. If it was the package of whole male body I'd try to have anal sex to see how it feels to do it with a prostate. Then make helicopter dick. Sit to see why men have to sit like they they're holding something between their buttlocks and have to sprea......
3 reply
07 07,2019
From some people. But my mother, sister, my boyfriend and my best friend knows it. I just love to troll my boyfriend sending him the kinkiest yaoi pages I can find lol
16 03,2019
I'm on the same boat. And all I can say is: don't rush. Take small steps, do the things that you are able to do. And don't be embarrassed go seek professional help if you think it's getting too hard. My fiance broke up with me after 10 years together, I thought he was my love, my friend and the next person in the world. Now 2 years without him and ......
20 12,2019
This might sound odd, but I hate when people call me beautiful. It always makes me think they're all lying just to make me feel better. It makes me distrust every single person around me, even the ones who never said a thing about my face. I have social phobia and it's a hell when people start to look at me just because of how I look. I feel horrib......
3 reply
08 05,2018
well, fujoshis are females who read yaoi, not who ship yaoi characters lol so you are a fujoshi, I am a fujoshi. Saying you're not one it's like saying a dog is not a dog because it doesn't bark 24h/7. "It has a bad connotation" ZZZZzzZZ so does feminism, nihilism, and a bunch of other stuff. Just because people think X of something doesn't make me......
19 06,2019
I love drawing, but I only do it for my own pleasure. I dislike deeply when someone asks me to draw something for them.
19 06,2019
No. No way. Never. Since I enjoy the freedom of being single, I don't want kids and I have do desire to share my life with anyone else. And yes, peope call me weird, people say I'll change my mind when I find "that somebody" or I'm just having a late rebel stage, or things like pointing out how my old classmates are getting married and I haven't ev......
5 reply
06 12,2016
Sweetie, the way is getting professional help. We here can talk allmighty all we want, but nothing compares to someone who has deep knowledge and scientific background to actually help you effectively. In my opinion, it's nothing wrong with you, it's just how society works this century. We think we need to be the same as the others to fit in, but t......
1 reply
03 07,2019
I have an alien personality in my family. I'm overly calculist, never put feelings above logic, and my family is mostly composed by the ever-stormy italians. I can't understand my sisters' frivolous way of living and I don't get along them at all. I moved out years ago, I blocked my older sister and father from whatsapp (they are annoying as hell).......
2 reply
24 06,2019
Portuguese, italian, english, spanish, polish and now learning romanian.
24 06,2019
Nothing wrong with you. Everyone has their pace and the time of doing stuff. Just because most people do it, doesn't mean you have to. Just take your time :) and there's no such thing as shit personality, everyone has something interesting that they have no idea they have. And the concept of "beautiful" is socially crafted. And plus, everyone has a......
1 reply
03 07,2019
SO MUCH PERKS! So much time to do the stuff I always wanted to do, no need to reply his/her texts, no need to deal with his/her jealousy or having stupid fights because of misunderstandings. I don't need to give anyone satisfaction of where I'm going or when I'm going back. I can wear whatever I want without having to hear that I'm not "feminine" (......
03 07,2019
I read yaoi in public and I simply don't care if people see me reading it lol It's different with my family, I make sure no one is standing behind me or have an angle to see what I'm reading (normally read with my back against a wall with no windows to peek) , and I make sure to make a face where it doesn't show I'm reading something interesting (I......
1 reply
05 05,2017
There's not a specific number for that. And not all yaois are for all ages either. Some have dark plots, others are just too cute. It all depends on a person mental development. I've been reading erotic books since I was 13. My younger sister is turning 20 and still blushes when people kiss on TV. Same parents, same house, but she got sheltered fro......
20 12,2019
No... And the worst part is that there's NOTHING I can do to change that. If it was a matter of studying harder, working harder, or do something, I would move the earth to make it happen. It's my health. A phobia that will never be entirely cured, so it gets in the way too often, and an extreme allergy of a chemical substance we use on my college, ......
10 07,2019
Yes. I was born a strange small and quiet child. People tagged me as a freak before I could even walk. My family was really poor andcwe shared a house with my aunt ans her 2 kids. My older cousin used to hit me and my older sister all the time, she even pierced a pencil on my arm so hard it left a huge scar. On school the biggest boy in my class ve......
6 reply
04 08,2016