Senbonzakura's question (12)

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So like I found a kenma x kuroo.. Blcd?.. Anyways, I also found out that they were the real voice actors.. As I was listening to it.. I cried.. My kurotsukki heart broke into lil pieces.. Ik I sound a bit dramatic.. But it hurts.. I'm literally in tears as I'm writing this.. ╥﹏╥
If you also wanna listen to that I'll give you the link
My heart still hurts
21 06,2020
So I've wanted to ask this question for a while. I hope y'all won't hate me for posting personal things. I'm asking this question here cause there are a lot of people in here who have gone through similar things and are experienced plus I don't wanna tell my friends. So I have to make a decision, either go to another school to study IT with unfamiliar people for 2 years (grade 9 and 10) and you dont have to go to collage cause you will learn all the things that they'll teach in collage in those 2 years or continue studying in my current school with my friends whom I have spent my 6 years with and go to collage.. If I go to that school I have a chance to get a scholarship. Its not like I can't get scholarship in my current school... Its just that if I get scholarship from a government school I'll have a high chance to get a good job in my country plus if I study IT I can get some part time job and earn some money pretty early.... Tbh I want to go to that school but I have social anxiety.. I don't wanna leave my friends behind and go to a unfamiliar environment.. Just thinking about it is scary.. Plus I'm scared of boys. I don't wanna get close to them.. I'm even scared of my male friends whom I have spent 6 years with.. Life is honestly so hard.. Pls tell me what should I do? And I have heard bad rumor bout that school saying that people have regretted going there or something.. ╥﹏╥
16 07,2020
Guys.. I am seriously starting to think that mangago hates me.. They have deleted nearly 20+ ans that I answered.. And I have even asked them why and they just didn't reply.. Idk what to do.. I love mangago but I think its one sided anyways help
31 10,2020
So.. What is the most fucked up thing you've read.. In my case its killing stalking.. Warehouse and that one webtoon.. Its has the same author who made love shuttle.. There are many more but I forgot their names..
21 06,2020
Hear me out y'all. I'm 14 and I'm Soooo horny. Am I weird? I want to do it all the time. My mind is so perverted. I bet y'all would be disgusted if y'all could read my mind. My imagination is going wild. Is this puberty or am I just werid? (It would make me happy if y'all could post some memes)
20 08,2020
Hahaha.. I have a best friend who cares bout me
02 11,2020
First of all its their thinking..all they care is what the society thinks... And the expectations.. They wants us to be the perf child but they don't even know that their expectations is causing harms and depression.. My parents especially my mom always say that girls should not sit like that, behave like that, eat in that manner, must do the dishes and household, shouldn't hang out for too late and blah blah blah .. That's why I want to become a man! Honestly when I'm super mad I wish for their death but when my anger goes away, I start to regret what I thought... They act soo nice in front of people.... And when I try to correct them or argue, they say the usual I GaVe BiRtH To YoU so I KnOw BeTtEr line.. And they compare us with the neighbors kid/cousin or friends.. Life is hard..
*sigh* but I still love them tho
26 06,2020
I'm a person who is veryyy unsatisfied with myself! I'm lazy and I'm an only child. I'm an introvert. I'm not shy.. Its just that I don't like people. I want to wipe out the humanity. I wanna change my country ☹. I don't think I'll become a great human.. As an Asian, my parents always compare me with my cousins or my friends.. It hurts.. They don't even know that I'm suffering from depression.. The only thing I like in this world is bl, family, cousins, bts and my cat. My parents expect me to be a perfect child.. They only care about what other people think about us.. But they still love me. I hate to die cause I'm an only child and.. Who will take care of my parents.. They don't know that I was.. Kinda harassed by my cousin when I was a very small child.... Maybe that's why I became a pervert....... Well I have a sad life but I'm still happy (=・ω・=)
20 06,2020
You know. I'm one of thoses people who have many like dirty amd kinda disturbing kinks. One of the disturbing kinks I have is rape kink. I know that rape is bad. Believe it or not I only like it in friction. I read a manga today amd it had rape in it.. I hated the scene so much i wanted to cry but at the same time I was getting excited. I can't help it. I have been hiding this fact for a long time cause I didn't wanna get hate especially from strangers online. I get scared that if I post this online they might find my address and all other personal information but it has become a burden to me now. Some people will say its disgusting, get out or try to lecture me why rspe is so bad or it affects reality.. You don't need to say all that I know it.. I KNOW IT!! And Many people will also say that you should not share this kind of thing on the internet.. If I can't share it there then where should I? To My homophobic ass family? To My racist ass friends? Even now I feel like I'm being seen as an annoyance while writing this. Thinking if people will hate me for this or not. Wondering if I should post this or not. I wonder when did I start to care bout other people's words so much. If you're thinking why I wrote this.. Its cause I had enough you know. I can't pretend anymore. Anyways I have nothing to say now. I don't care even if you hate me. I feel so pathetic. Bye
18 09,2020
Ok so. When I was a kid I saw a zombie movie and I developed a fear of zombie (I can't even look in da dark its looks like a zombie lol) and I want to re watch that movie so I can overcome my fear of zombie but I don't know that movies name. So if anyone know the movies name pls reply. I only know some of the scenes of the movies tho. There was a scene where the mc was sleeping on the tree and hs gun fell as soon as the gun fell a zombie appeared but didn't saw him and another scene I remember is that there was a black person who was friends with the mc and one night when they were sleeping after putting da traps a zombie came and the trap alarmed them but they didn't wake up so that zombie bit that friend and the friend finds his village and then sees his mother dead turning into a zombie and then the zombie affect comes and that friend also slowly turns into a zombie and asked the mc to shoot him while he is still human. And the other scene I remember is the mc is on the jeep with some other soldiers and a women hands them her baby (the women is also turning into a zombie) and I think this scene was in the end of the movie the mc return to the place with humans in there protected by huge walls and I remember the mc giving the pendent of his dead friend to the friends son(?) That all I remember but if u know this movies name pls reply. This is the only place I can ask this question
12 10,2020
Ok. I read somewhere that ALL fetishes come from some sort of repressed trauma or impactful memory... And mine matches perfectly.. What bout you guys?
20 09,2020