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Shit me too, this is so buns... I need to curate my playlists...   reply
04 12,2024
I will at some point maybe might be without legal papers might be with the papers who knows maybe I'll marry on a Sunday maybe on a Tuesday either way I just want a cool ceremony for just being with someone that way I can dress up for a reason   reply
10 07,2021
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I mean like immediately after you wake up/or as you're going to sleep do you see stuff? Could just be hypnagogia? If it's much later , you should get that checked or something. I don't really see stuff anymore or hear stuff much but I used to in elementary and middle school. Saw shadow people/and bugs crawling on me that weren't there.   1 reply
05 01,2024
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readdy to beat their ass   reply
04 02,2021
INFP-A "Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. " from the 16 personality site. :^0   reply
16 08,2023
I'm a complete asshole i wont lie I've done some pretty shit things but I dont think that it can be considered bullying due to the fact that they were one of incidents and let my mouth go unfiltered n shit. plus you need to be at a higher social ranking or have some sort of power over people for that and I'm a skinny social outcast so nahhh   reply
08 03,2021
04 09,2023
It was a counselor at school. She was pretty ok. Though having good therapist is a start you also have to actively talk about stuff at some point. Im a very honest person overall, like I'm a humongous chatterbox so therapy works well at times. I don't have access to a counselor or anything atp. But i think ill be fine one way or another.   reply
04 09,2023
Lol search up sex repulsion or something   reply
19 05,2021
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I think I'm normal.   reply
16 10,2024
ヾ(☆▽☆) I'm 1. A minor 2. very visibly one full on 12 yr old built yknow 3. even if they are my age if you are in any way attracted to me sexually I will deem you a sexual deviant a cougar a cradle robber. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
06 05,2021
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23 01,2024
First cousins!? Incest is wierd ya'll should not be yahooing your relatives. I give leniency at 3rd cousins, thought that might be my bias. Seeing as I am the result of 3rd cousins coupling.   reply
23 01,2024
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Chokehold and a tooth infection so like twice.   reply
21 12,2024
I'm easily irritable and tend to ghost ppl but don't like it when they do it back :,) people ask me about my flaws n habits alot but all of it ties back to trauma and I dont wanna be reliving that shit for people who don't care!   reply
28 02,2021
Probably over the course of the decade, mentally ill since 9 with unsupervised access to the internet. YIPEE   reply
20 08,2023
Tying my shoes and painting my nails I suck at both   1 reply
25 08,2020
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20 12,2024
Pleaseeeee I love tossing back and forth ideas!! I'll like draw fanart. Though idk what you're talking about haha.   reply
20 12,2024
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Dry creek wrangler,Frankie's shelf,Josh czuba and Hbomberguy. I'm on YouTube ALOT.   reply
05 11,2024
getting fisted with a stick   reply
02 05,2021