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about question
Okay this may be an unpopular opinion I don’t really know but I hate any form of romance that has a bully or a character that does something bad to them and then the other character just gets over it. I hate it so much and it’s a genuine pet peeve of mine because I ignore everything in life including my problems but if someone hurts me I’m going to try to give them tenfold back if they’re important to my everyday life.

Like the cruel prince for example, it was a bad romance in general in my opinion, but he literally tried to push her off a tower with no real motive and she’s just like let’s make out. (I know it’s not all that but that is a decent sum up).

Or like Jinx for example, which I dropped a while ago but big guy is literally one of the worst human beings alive and I bet the brown haired fellow will say something like “I hate myself for loving him” or “somehow, I’ve fallen in love with him”, and then he’ll chase him down for an eternity only to do something petty like not talk to him and that’s basically the whole thing of “you raped me, blackmailed me, took advantage of my whole being, isolated me, etc. so the equal punishment is ignoring you for like a month” and it makes me so annoyed like let’s not condoning rape but at least beat the shit out of him or better yet, don’t get with him?

Like I love twisted characters that are downright be horrible, but they need a understanding of mutual destruction in that scenario for the relationship to have equal footing, like Neil and Andrew from AftG, or Felicity and Eli’s from LiV (I know she killed her in the end but they almost got somewhere before she murdered her roommate), or even Asashi and Yoru from that one Manga by Harada (I think?). Like they all have dirt on each other or some form of payback for how they treated each other, and not a simple I’ll walk all over you kinda thing.

This is just a vent because I feel like enemies to lovers is increasingly popular nowadays, but I don’t get the hype around a lot of the stories because the dynamic is not there. Am I the only one who feels like this??
26 12,2023
Share some fun facts, please!

My favorite fun facts are:

If you take all your veins out of your body, you can wrap them around the world twice.

There’s this word “pulchritudinous” and it means beautiful but it looks nothing like how you pronounce it, so I refer to it as the demonic word. You pronounce it pul•crid•tu•de•nous.

Bees only produce one tablespoon of honey in their whole lifetime.

Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler were friends.

Woman can’t grow hair on their ears.

I probably have more, but I can’t think of any as of the moment.
12 02,2021
How do y’all feel about them?

I personally feel uncomfortable if they go past around 10-12 and I don’t think I would date someone past 8 years older than me, but even both those numbers are pushing it a bit.

But if you want to date someone older, don’t mind me, do what you want, as long as it isn’t pedo activity.

Also, the people that ship ereri do realise that Eren and Levi pretty much how the same age gap as Hisoka and Gon, Right? I know their age gaps are both around 15 or something near that.

I just wanted to point that out because My friend makes jokes about Gon and Hisoka but when I make them about Levi and Eren she gets pissed because she actually ships it. I mean she acknowledged the gap, and has grandparents that have a 15 age gap, so she’s comfortable about it, but it seem people don’t know that.
02 01,2021
What can I say to my friend to make her okay with her nose?

She wants to get plastic surgery in the future but her nose is so pretty. She doesn’t like it cause it’s “too large at the sides and stuff” but it’s so unique and really just makes her stand out wonderfully. If she gets the job then she’ll become conventional and I won’t tell her this but it would make her less beautiful, because the photoshop she does implicates what she wants and it makes her look boring, though she is very beautiful. I just want her to see that there is nothing wrong with her, that she is probably some model recruiters wet dream due to her height and looks but she just doesn’t see it and it’s like she never sees what makes her so beautiful and she has to photoshop her eyes and her nose and everything until she looks nothing like a real person much less herself

It just makes me frustrated and I told her if she does it I won’t talk to her for however much she paid for it but we’ve been friends for more than a decade and talk everyday so I would hate that

Also if you’re reading this I know you have a short attention span so you’ll skip to the end don’t read this I’ve already told you it go study
02 05,2024
about question
I feel like this is just me but all my friends always have crushes but I rarely have them, and probably haven’t had one in maybe 3 years. My friends though have a main one for a year or something like that and mini ones throughout it and I don’t understand

Like I’m totally shallow don’t get me wrong I think physical looks are important and I can look at something and understand they are attractive but I just can’t understand how you could like someone for just their looks? Like i feel no connection to attractive people if I don’t know what their personality is.

Like my friends have crushes on people they never talk to and It just doesn’t make sense to me because I need to know a person before I even like them as a person, so I don’t understand how you could like someone romantically without ever talking to them

It’s not like I’m craving a relationship but it’s not like I would never want it to happen, it’s just that I don’t have crushes ever and I feel like I’m missing out on some experience that everyone is having and it doesn’t make it any better that I feel like I struggle to actually become comfortable around people because I dislike eye contact but I also need to look at people’s faces, especially introverted peoples faces to understand how to react compared to how they react

Sorry for this being so long I just want to know that I’m not the only one that has crushes rarely
12 08,2023
Anything, book, manga, comic, asl, give it to me
10 05,2024
So I saw a Reddit post about this guy who got injured and had a dream life for like 10 years in his head until he noticed a lamp had a face and he woke up and it had only been a few second in real life. Then I’m all the comments people were saying they had the same thing.

I’ve never had this happen to me but I do sometimes have dreams as other people. They tend to be death or life-altering moments. I haven’t had that many, but they are unforgettable.

The rest are just recounting if you wanna respond to the question: has this ever happened to you?

My first one was in fourth grade I think and I was this little white, red haired girl who was killed in a war as a civilian. I know I lived somewhere in north Europe I feel and was around 7.

I also had another where I was a rich white boy, around 15 named Damien, in haiti (i think somewhere between 1700s-1850s) and I murdered my girlfriend named rose and she had red hair too. I didn’t have a motive I just wanted to see what she would do and it was so gross I almost threw up when I woke up. I mean, I could feel her nails scratch against my arms and the resistance of the knife to come out of her skin and after the 4th stab blood was coming out of her mouth and she died at my 13th stab I think.

I do have some peaceful ones like one where I was this 17 year old Hispanic girl in the 70s and I had to have lived in like west or southwest America and I just remember getting out of bed, pulled up my garage, sat down on the driveway, and watched as the sun rose. I heard a fire truck in the distance and it felt like such a moment of clarity I had never felt like that before.

I’ve had these really two sad ones, the first where I was a teen white girl with brown hair and I did the thing with this girl and for some reason I had the intensity of as if she was my last breathe. And then after she fell asleep I leaned against the bed and shot myself with my dad’s gun. I would say it had to be between the 1850s and 1890s maybe from the dresses.

The second one was where I accidentally ate my friend or mom or some female girl. I don’t even have a recollection of myself or anything else except for the astounding amount of shame, guilt, and utter despair. I don’t know, someone just told me to eat dinner and it looked like regular meat and tasted like pig or chicken or something like that. Then it was all a blur and people were pointing fingers, screaming at me, and it was as if I could see the plain black words or monster coming out of their mouths. My last thought was thinking “if I could just escape…” and then I woke up.

My oldest I think is maybe the 1680s-1720s or around that time I feel and I was this little black slave boy. I was wandering through a meadow because I didn’t wanna go back to the wheat field and work. It has just rained and it was muddy and I was small so I guess when my feet got stuck when I was crossing the stream I couldn’t get out. I remember opening my mouth and calling but I was deaf I think because the dream was silent. Eventually I fell down and then I got stuck again and eventually drowned.

I have more but they’re not as memorable as these I was just curious if you have experienced these phenomenons because I love to read about them and find them so interesting. So please donate your stories please !!
10 12,2023
I’ve had a lot of thoughts lately but no one to ask them or express them to without sounding stupid or Emo so take that as you will, you can read none or all of you want

I’m losing my mind I feel like I’m reverting back to my middle school self sometimes because all I do is come home, cry, sleep, do homework, then repeat, and I’m a sensitive crybaby so sometimes when I got upset I would lose my appetite for a few days and get all sensitive sensory wise (I’ve always been more keen to feelings and emotions so when a light was too bright or a noise to loud, or someone would tell me i had to stop and move onto the next task I would just become so frustrated for no reason i would start sobbing uncontrollably) and that was fine because I was a healthy/overweight weight but I got ibs due to antibiotics and stress and I’ve experienced such bad stomach pains that it makes me scared to do that again because I dropped weight so fast (dropped like 30-50 pounds in two months because I got scared of eating due to ibs) and it was so painful to go to bed hungry and wake up hungry and it feels like your stomach is in your brain and eating what you are lacking. I know I’m being dramatic because I wasn’t dying of hunger I was still eating around 800 cals a day but my stomach got so small and I felt so weak and my bones started poking out and clothes fell off of me and it was just a little traumatising to feel that way. And my dad would get mad because I was already allergic to red meat and lactose intolerant and the ibs sent him over the edge because it’s like I couldnt eat anything and it was so embarrassing when we had family over and he would yell at me for not eating all the food and call me a bird but when I was younger it was the opposite and with bird it was pig.
And I think I got acute dermatitis on my hands because when I was younger I would just bit the insides of my cheeks but it became painful to talk and eat so I stopped and for a while I filtered through other bad habits until I landed on skin scratching. When I get overwhelmed with the feelings I start scratching and it’s not bad when it’s on my shoulders or my legs because no one can see but when it’s on my neck and my hands people get uncomfortable and they say I shouldn’t do it because I have no reason to be stressed and it’s not something I should worry about but I’m not stressed I’m overwhelmed with feelings and sometimes it’s stress but sometimes I’m just feeling too much adrenaline or happiness or sadness and if I don’t scratch I’ll end up slamming my head into my desk or breaking my finger because I need a way to soothe myself (when i was younger I cried much more than my sister so my parents told me that I would die faster if I cried so it made me nervous and I know it’s not true now but it lasts what people say) so basically what I’m trying to say is that stress is my issue but it’s multifaceted with other things and I wish my family would let me cry more often and not make scene of me by yelling at me or saying I have no reason to cry when I know that but o just need to because I need to.

Also school is driving me up the wall my dad thinks that everything other than engineering is a lost cause and I was planning to do what my sister did and just double major with I want to do and then choose an engineering path but taking college classes have made me realise how much I dislike STEM. I wish I could ignore my parents and do what I want to do but I don’t think my parents will pay for my college but I can’t do something in stem because I’ll actually do something. I desperately want to be a copywriter of fictional text or a freelance editor but I could never convince my dad because it’s not stem and it even has a declining occupancy rate (probably due to ai which sucks) and on average the money is somewhere between 50-100 k and I don’t think my dad would go for a job with that low of a high, plus he’s domineering and is unwilling to compromise on most things (like cooking and games too). But I’m looking into nearby college classes for creative writing, almost 1/4 done with a book I’m writing, instilled a creative writing club at my school along other things and I hope a college will pick me for being diverse instead of being oriented around one goal. But the closer I get to college submissions and have no idea what I want to do as a “primary” or “satisfactory” job is frightening. My backup job is planned somewhat but I have not the slightest on what I want to do for the main thing. I can’t do math because precalc is slaying me, physics is basically incomprehensible in my terms, and life science is incredibly boring to me. The only classes entertaining to me is apush, honours English, and woodworking, and ap French (I like but don’t like it because it’s online and I wish it was in person). Next semester for me will be even more boring because I don’t have room in my schedule for Spanish iii so I’ll have to take economics and that’s the only class I can change because every other class is year long, so basically just lost and don’t wanna be in debt but also don’t wanna end up depressed in the future but don’t know what to pick

Also started reading huckleberry Finn and before we started reading it our teacher assigned us a piece called “The N word, it just slips out” so do what you will with that information
17 10,2023
I have habits that I do when I’m nervous, which is all the time.

Do yall have any nervous habits?

In pre-K, I chewed on the insides of my cheeks. In first grade, I bit my arms and hands. Things like that.

My favourite one was when I would dig my fingernails into my arms to I could make smiley faces.

Now I have three habits. Ripping the skin of my right thumb’s cuticle, cracking my bones, and pushing my fingers against my lips and then biting my lips.

Now I’ve got another question, is it normal for my bones to crack this much?

I mean, I know I crack my bones a lot, but I got a bit concerned when I breathed in and my back cracked. I crack my bones around three times a day, I think, but maybe a few more times for my knuckles and a bit less for things like my shoulders and knees.
04 01,2021
I was just wondering why people liked Painter of the Night. I don’t personally like it (art is beautiful, don’t like the story concept),but it seems a lot of people do, so I’m curious.
21 10,2020
So I started taking an AP French course this year and I enjoy learning new languages so I thought it was gonna be okay but my irl teacher mainly teaches culture and vocab not actual sentence structures and stuff so I feel like I’m totally behind and it doesn’t help that I have like 6 other classes which are advanced or ap and I’m practicing for a Spanish test so i keep on getting French and Spanish words confused and I just feel so behind

So like vent out of the way but is there anyone who’s learning French or a native speaker that would like to have convos in French on like a daily or weekly basis to practice ?? Because I really need help getting to the stage where I can apply the language faster

Also if you read all this thank you
03 09,2023
Hii so I’m just wondering if anyone else was having the issue of voices cutting in and out while on call?

I was losing my mind because these random snippets of conversations would just come on during the call (weirdly enough it was only when I entered a Roblox game of Uno, no other Roblox game had this issue) and I was the only one to hear it. I thought my friends were joking but it was clear they were not and it was the most bizarre thing because I felt like I was in elementary school again.

I would often experience moments like that where I would hear my name be called in the dead of night and see people standing over me while I slept, and I know that that’s just because the mind doesn’t develop well enough until the age of 5 to distinguish reality for fantasy, but god I hate the feeling of being delusional.

Some of the conversations in my call were along the lines of:

“Lincoln’s presidency played an important factor in 1961. . .”

“Should we play fortnite or Call of Duty?”

“I’m not going to kiss her on the mouth, y’know?”

“Damn Mark is so bad at Fortnite I’m basically carrying his ass.”

And so on and it was so weird.

I looked it up and it seems that other people were having the issue as well, but it seemed mutual for the whole call, while for me, it was me solely. Before I googled it I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I guess I have paranoia since I have such an irrational fear of intruders (not trauma or anything I’ve just always had it since I was an infant of toddler) and I just sat in the bathroom for 30 minutes contemplating opening the door. And then I spent another 10 checking my room multiple times and ughh I hate the feeling and it would put me at ease if someone else could also relate. It’s like 3:45 right now so I kinda would like some reassurance before I have to turn off the lights.

Anyways I was just wondering if anyone was having this problem since this is the first time using the “new” discord and I’ve never had issues beforehand. This also honestly seems like a huge security issue for discord, because other people should not be able to intercept private calls.
28 12,2023
about lmao
I’ve got a question for all the straight boys who read GL, where are you? And don’t pretend you aren’t there, I make some GL edits and many of you guys like and follow me for them, so why is the GL community so small?

There are plenty of girls who actively participate in the BL community by making fan posts or edits or fan art or even just reposting or recommending the story. As a girl myself, I think some of them are really stupid or too “feminazi-ish”, but oh my god they’re hot and cute as hell.

Like, you guys out there don’t want to make anything or fan about it or anything? It’s just that not a lot of GL stuff is made and I’m just kinda wondering where you guys are, sorry for making this so long and sounding rude.
07 01,2021
about question
Okay so my friend was getting a rash on my armpits and I asked her how often she wore deodorant and she said that she wore it before bed and is that normal?? Because my other friend said she did that too.

I just put it on in the morning because I take a shower before I go to bed almost always and even if I sweat no one’s going smell me.

Plus they say they sweat too much (which I’m not convinced it’s that much of a concern for smell because i sweat so much i even sweat when I’m cold and as long as you shower often hygiene and don’t have other issues you should be fine) but if they’re so concerned shouldn’t they also be wearing antiperspirant?

I knew my friend wore it to bed and sprayed herself with a ton of perfume after showers and before bed because she visits often and we tend to stay in the same room but I just thought it was because one of our school assholes told her she smelled everyday (she doesn’t like wtf??) but now I’m wondering how common this is if my other friend does this too.

To me it doesn’t seem healthy because I feel like you should let your skin breathe, kinda like taking off makeup, but I don’t know now, thoughts??
16 12,2023
about question
Disclaimer that this might not make sense cause I’m kinda just ranting so yeah

So I’ve been trying to plan a group birthday for me and two of my other friends (I’m April but we were studying for finals and the other two are June but we all were busy) and in general most of my friends are being sooo annoying god. I have a friend group of around 5-8 depending on who you include, but the number would be 5, excluding me for it. All my friends were pretty busy because they work on the weekends and that’s chill, but I asked them for their schedules constantly and they wouldn’t reply, just send pictures of memes and stuff. Then I would ask my friends what worked best for them and it was no weekdays so I was like cool, but they wouldn’t tell me what weekends worked, so I went through each weekend and made about 3 different plans with maybe 5 alternatives for each weekend cause I prefer it to happen in July (I do plan things normally and they do often do this but before they weren’t as busy so it was easy to say yeah it’s this and being this so we can do this and they’ll be like cool), and I finally reached that we could have a sleepover on Saturday after 5-7 that went into Sunday and those who went to church or had work could leave early if they needed. It hardly conflicted with anyone and I didn’t mind the plan, it was super annoying because no one was replying or giving me any info for it.

Well today two od my friends contacted me, acting like I didn’t outline the plan for them. They were like “let’s do this because why not” and I had to say “we can’t because, again, for the third time, we do not have this”, so I was a little annoyed at the time. Then my other friend hit me up and literally fucking asked “there’s a party ?” And I asked her if she was being serious and then said I wasn’t talking to her for the time being and I know it’s childish but I was just so fucking pissed because I went over this multiple times with you and others in a group chat that you are capable of reading and I was just so so annoyed. Then she said I can’t because for some reason it now it conflicts with her schedule but she was never clear with her schedule in the first place she’s just say “I’m free Saturday and Sunday” and when I would ask the specific date like what number she’d just say “Saturday and sunday” so I didn’t know she was referring to a different one and I’m so pissed I can’t talk to her right now or I’ll actually go off on her and then she’ll only respond with a kirby picture of him cutely running and I’ll actually go feral. Now I don’t even know if I want to have the joint party out of spite.

Long story short, I’m pissed at my friends for not working with me to plan a party, and now I’m not sure if I should have the party because I’m just annoyed at this point
20 07,2024
I feel like such a dumb American right now because I was counting my coins and I just now realised some quarters have different states but also different things in general (EX. Louisiana—Louisiana Purchase or Virginia—Jamestown) and I even have a nickel that is different from the rest and my friend is acting like this is common knowledge but like I couldn’t have been the only one who didn’t know this right
10 09,2023
There’s this album called Razzmatazz by I DON”T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and it’s been my go to for at least two weeks, and thats a record because I have a short attention span and I listen to music a lot.

My favourite is From the Gallows, Sugar Pills for some reason sounds like that Watermelon Sugar song, and Clusterhug sounds like Tongue-Tied by Grouplove.

Other artist you should look at are half•alive and Samuel MarkLee. Along with the song Static by OneSki, Sweet Tooth by Scott Helman, ultimately by
Khai Dreams, and c’est toi qu’elle préfère by Alive et moi.
10 04,2021
about cosplay
Okay these questions have been bothering me so can some of y’all answer them pretty please they’ve been my shower questions that I think about for entirely too long. You can choose one or all I don’t care I’m just curious

Which finger do you put your car blinker on?

Cabbage or spinach? both you have to eat raw

Favorite fictional character of any media?

Which way does the toilet paper rolls go?

Is barbecue or ketchup better?

Do you floss?

Do you think any unmoral action is forgivable given a circumstance?

When was the last time you were sunburnt to the point it peeled?

Is a bowl of yoghurt with different fruits and such a salad?

Do you put peanut butter in yoghurt?

If you have really short hair should you use conditioner?

Okay that’s all I think thank you
17 08,2024
about lmao
Y’all, this was obviously a joke but they low-key had nice voices.
09 01,2021
about question
Mine is All for the Game because it is my addiction was my addiction and will forever be my addiction. Board is at maybe 1400 pins and the rest are around 700 for like 5 of my boards
13 06,2024