rErE's answer page 2 (59)

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nice, a decent one.   reply
08 06,2024
about question
I love and hate my boobs, sometimes i wish they would disappear other time i which they were bigger, it just a mood, it don't feel them as heavy anymore was blessed with big but light boobs, it only before my period they become a nuisance. i get the clothes issue and am looking to replace my bra with a corset, so it doesn't like wire bra so it tend......   2 reply
09 04,2024
Lets be honest there is noting wrong with being a virgin, i am one i don't see myself giving it up anytime soon, society portrays sexual actives as something everyone must do or else they are incles or trouble makers but in all honesty you could meet one person loose your virginity and die happy with that same person, it has been done and is still ......   reply
23 02,2024
Give her a story, open to all reasonable and sensible answer.   2 reply
30 09,2023
rErE 15 07,2021
Just smile and wave   reply
15 07,2021
about question
rErE 24 04,2021
24 04,2021
rErE 29 06,2021
you forgot "Nya desu"   1 reply
29 06,2021
very mellow   reply
27 02,2021
about lmao
rErE 04 05,2021
i just did a psychology test and i'm pretty sure i'll only get half of the total paper right (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ wait now i think about it i'm in dip shit ⊙.☉   reply
04 05,2021
It my pet name, only my mum calls me that   1 reply
24 12,2023
about question
rErE 16 06,2021
It's the periods for me along with the severe pain that comes in the first 2 days and the fact that the motherfucking pain is not even fucking consistent so i'm always guessing if i will be able to do shit at all.   reply
16 06,2021
i do were can i join {as long as it's free}   1 reply
26 01,2021
about question
This was most of my childhood along with barney and a lot of Christians cartoons, loved them all. if i remember any more i will put   reply
08 10,2023
It's not like i'm not interested, i date to marry and i plan on doing that once, second of all i am scared of private parts especially mine so this is the biggest road block for me and am gonna be 20 in 2 weeks there is hope for me yet.   reply
21 04,2024
rErE 27 04,2024
my only beef with mbti is that when i do it on separate occasions i get different answers, INTP and ISTP explain please   1 reply
27 04,2024
about question
I don't like her works, i have read them but i don't like them because it over exaggerates the complexities of life, this is okay if you can keep fiction and reality separate but a lot of her fans aren't the most mentally stable, so they tend to think they relate to the character, still to each their own.   1 reply
06 12,2023
about eat food
I don't really get the texture thing food is food if i dislike a food, it because it taste like shit, period   reply
23 01,2024
about question
rErE 10 04,2024
huh..... elaborate please.   reply
10 04,2024
101 answered question from 2020 i have a mouth to feed [me] it too much   reply
25 01,2024
about question
Okay i am a born again christian, was raised in a born again christian household, being LGBTQ is not a sin, God said to come as you are, when you come to him and develop a lasting relationship with the holy spirit you will change whether you like it or not you will change, the bible said homosexuality is a sin, lust is a sin, gluttony is a sin and ......   reply
18 days