kaizenix's answer (4)

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Seungho. It kills me how a lot of people simp for him because he's hAwT and he will have his cHaRacTeR dEveLoPmEnT. Get a grip. With or without character development, what he did to Nakyum was too much. First and foremost, he literally kept Nakyum in his place and force him to do a lot of things like sucking his diccu AGAINST Nakyums will. He thre......   reply
21 02,2021
LOH, Painter of the Night, LIAI and many more. I just see LIAI for Byul lmao. I hate the fact that Dojin seems victimized in the story when he's actually the biggest sht in there aside from Hyesung's dad. Like seriously dude? Raping someone and forcing him to do something that he doesn't wanna do? No no. Same with Seungho. His "development" is a BA......   reply
01 05,2021
Gonna be the owner of an appliances store and sell some aircon and fan because it's hot in hell   reply
04 06,2021
about question
Of course it's fine. I used to read a lot of those way back then. As long as we know our limits then it's totally okay. There are some who takes it too far so heh.   reply
27 05,2021