MR. BORED's answer (12)

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Ricky when I catch you Ricky. (Btw y'all know that OP doesn't mean that literally, right? Y'all know that, right?)   5 reply
08 01,2024
Uhh.. Is this a backhanded Transphobia..?   1 reply
05 05,2024
about question
Can't have Ricky so I'll just be Ricky. That's my 2024 goal. (I can never be him). With a realistic answer tho. I'll just try my best to survive the rest of this semester:))   1 reply
31 12,2023
In my country they used the term "Gay" as an insult and it pisses me off, this term usually used to insult a guy WHO'S DAMN FUCKING WEAK LIKE, it really ticks me off and they even used this term when I guy hit a girl they gonna be like "oHh whY DId U HUrT HEr, whAT ArE u Gay?!" BULLSHIT. THEY SHOULD BE SAYING ITS BAD TO HURT SOMEONE WHEN THEY DID......   2 reply
26 06,2020
My personality is someone who just wanna blend I think I might be a beta but for cliche I want to be an alpha who pretends to be a beta or somethin   reply
14 10,2020
ꀤ ꎭꏂꍏꈤ ꌩꏂꍏ, ꀤꎭ ꌃꀤ ꍏꈤꀷ ꀤ ꀍꍏ꒦ꏂ ꍏ ꌃꀎ꒒ꁅꀷꏂ ꀷꂦꅐꈤ ꓄ꀍꏂꀤꋪ... ꌚꂦ ꌩꏂꍏ, ꅐꏂ ꏳꍏꈤ ꎇꀎꏳꀘ   1 reply
12 09,2020
Eleceed I just don't know how to explain my love for that Manhwa, Lookism has been dragging so long that it's tiring   reply
26 05,2021
I thought they were poop out   reply
03 10,2020
Im scorpio I don't really hate it but I just wish I'm a Capricorn, idk if you guys believe that every zodiac sign act the certain way but thanks to that I'm always misunderstood like always, I could even make a damn comic bout it and I'm just straight up creepy, ok that's enough self roasting, but yea I don't hate it and I don't like it   reply
02 12,2020
21 01,2021
Ahh fvcks now i need to collect the things I've read thanks to the asshole who exposed this app   reply
21 01,2021
I'll grope at my pants/T-shirt to check if its big and tell mah mom to buy me new darn cloth then celebrate and I'll do all my wish,plan as the opposite gender   reply
24 05,2020
For me I keep re-reading " the best smell" Everytime I read made love and have diabetes YESS IT IS VERRY SWEET at the same time dorkie   reply
29 06,2020