Jabami Yumeko's answer page 6 (137)

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28 11,2020
im having am identity crisis (like am I asexual, straight, or just like cute girls/boys idk someone plz help me) this has been going on for like a year now and i dont know what to do   1 reply
13 10,2020
I didn't see anything but you can take me now murderer ¯_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯   reply
04 01,2021
Half Filipino half African American (≧∀≦)   1 reply
20 06,2020
Around 45% difficult to get along with (・∀・)   reply
12 02,2021
Hi I would also like to be your friend so here's my discord: Jabami Yumeko#9640 (๑•﹏•) Interests: Artist, Anime, Manga RWBY, Manhwa, webtoons, yaoi/ shonen ai   reply
29 11,2020
Question: What is Managing royalty? I am in confusion   1 reply
29 11,2020
Sweet and shy or cute uke ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   3 reply
26 09,2020
Welll, considering that I've never had pineapples on my pizza before, i don' t know if pineapples belong on pizza. Annnddd considering the fact that there are a large variety of ice cream flavors out there other than mint chocolate chip, does it really matter if mint chocolate chip is the best flavor? I mean like I can see why people do not like mi......   reply
05 11,2020
Lmao humans are the most weirdest and invasive animal on the planet ofc we'd be the weird animal in the group ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯   reply
25 12,2020
I would like to be rated I'm actually kinda curious about how you gonna do it tho (ʘᴗʘ✿)   2 reply
30 01,2021
When you draw the eyes on the head, the eyes are proportionally one "eye" apart. So when drawing the base of the eyes, sketch out three small circles(it doesn't have to be the exact distance) and use the right and left sketched out circle for finalizing the eye circle sketch thingy. OOO   reply
28 10,2020
Loll I don't use incognito tab thingy when I'm reading on Mangago cause like my phones locked and everything's safe in my locker phone that no one knows the password of 'cept me ofc   reply
23 02,2021
I'm a rightie but I iron with both hands but I dunno is that counts ¯_(ツ)_/¯   reply
29 12,2020
I dont have a twitter accnt, but I do have an instagram :D @qw3rty.exe   reply
08 10,2020
about crying
I stayed up during the time I was supposed to read on this site so almost missed my zoom classes sleeping in because of it I'm glad it's back tho (*´ω`*)   reply
16 03,2021