YourDailyDoseOfRandomBullCrap's question page 4 (76)

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I run my slimy hot cheeto red pepper spicy saliva on your lips and then I spit in your eyes and run away~
12 10,2020
Are you doing alright?
17 09,2020
And find a single strand of hair thats not yours
04 11,2020
Listen I know I ate your 12 piece chicken nuggets with your favorite sauce, but you have to put that down... YOUR BEING TO OVER DRAMATIC JUST BECAUSE I ATE YOUR CHICKEN NUGGETS
27 10,2020
Yea I just found out misanthropic people are the type who hate society and the whole population of humans that exist on earth.
07 09,2020
No worries if you don't want to share I'm just curious how it all started out for you guys
22 09,2020
Where all just getting ready for school and manage to get on the subway on time but all the sudden it filled with loads of people and all the sudden we squish all together.
26 09,2020
My teacher is eager to get to know us and I'm sitting there in my chair awkwardly
20 10,2020
Lmfao I'm asian and my mom will not stop slapping my butt cheeks.
11 10,2020
I'm legit the disliked relative
03 10,2020
about scared of
My brain keeps shocking me with different things. Like for some reason if I'm doing something nice or playing something all the sudden I get hit with a sexual wish regardless if its a family member which is disgusting, or having to kill someone basically my brain just shocks me with random wishes that I don't want to come true or imaginations. I calmed down with the thoughts but its still affecting my routine to do something to the point I just want to stay in bed because I'm disgusted or just don't wanna think about it. I have tried distracting myself but it always interrupts and ruins the game I'm playing. Anyways, tips to get rid of these thoughts?
28 07,2020