Lillian's experience (3)

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I was sitting in class, just a normal day except for the fact that my classmates are throwing bottle at each other and I was just minding my own business when a bottle just came crashing into my face..   1 reply
01 12,2020
about being gay
31 05,2020
well ive been question my sexuality since the first time i knew there were different sexualities. I have not been into any relationship or had crushes in my whole life and whenever i watch anime i always feel attracted to guys rather than girl (Im a girl) so i thought i was straight but i look at the models i always look at the girls more than guys......   1 reply
31 05,2020
17 10,2020
We were having an rehersal and i noticed that one of my friends was missing and i ask my friend where she was but this bitch just came out of no where and saying that she was with her boyfriend and she saw it with her own eyes like bitch did i ask?   reply
17 10,2020