Yongshion's question (2)

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Looking for new friends to add to an unholy groupchat

Requirements being- *

•Not boring
•have humor
•like anime / mangas / kpop

That’s it lol we send weird pictures and talk about everything from guys to loosing our v cards and crushes LMAOO we’re also an emotional support group so if you have anything your dealings with know we’re here to talk to you

Also just looking for new Long term friends to make too
We accept everyone (I’m a guy btw so don’t catch feelings, I’m in a committed relationship with sangwoo)


Comment @ if interested
Text/follow me (@hacxae) for any questions
Also I’m the most kind person ever so I’d probably be friends with you in an instant
13 05,2020
Looking for new friends to add to an unholy groupchat

Requirements being- *

•Not boring
•have humor
•like anime / mangas / kpop

That’s it lol we send weird pictures and talk about everything from guys to loosing our v cards and crushes LMAOO we’re also an emotional support group so if you have anything your dealings with know we’re here to talk to you

Also just looking for new Long term friends to make too
We accept everyone (I’m a guy btw so don’t catch feelings, I’m in a committed relationship with sangwoo)


Comment @ if interested
Text/follow me (@caeyem) for any questions
Also I’m the most kind person ever so I’d probably be friends with you in an instant
29 04,2020