seth's answer (13)

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any chase atlantic lovelies?   3 reply
29 11,2023
pov you and your distinguished gentleman hubby spend the night in hot spring   reply
13 12,2023
seth 11 12,2023
basically this is how i dress in uni lol   reply
11 12,2023
seth 17 04,2021
need a highschool demon boiii   reply
17 04,2021
nanami (i tried :/) and someone i named him hayato (he looks an uke to me aaaa) and this one i ship lol   reply
10 01,2021
seth 11 01,2021
this girl damn and this one is totsuka from oregairu,,, i tried (its a he)   reply
11 01,2021
about question
if im a man i will treat my woman right with love and respect as men in books written by women exist i said it   reply
02 11,2023
about question
hmm i heard one of my friend's relatives just flush the tampon/pad after using it (it's disgusting so unsanitary) but i think she did that not because she's afraid of blood but rather too lazy to wash them.. ..pls tell me you guys wash off the blood before you trash them   4 reply
02 12,2023
i want someone like this JAJDKSKJSKSK   reply
11 01,2021
does he looked like todomatsu? pls say yes   reply
17 04,2021
tried to do langa and reki (his hair down after shower ig?? djhdjdjs)   reply
18 04,2021