OkayItsSimp's experience (2)

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I don't mind kids and I actually want to have 5 maybe- but I absolutely reFUSE to carry a child. I mean.. I might do it once to satisfy my family buut I'm still against it, the thought is kinda "intrusive"? "irritable"? Idk if that's the right word..But yeah, I probably won't. So anyways I really want to adopt a whole bunch of kids/teens/whoever wh......   1 reply
22 11,2020
TL;DR: my petty teacher made me cry/have a anxiety attack on my birthday I'm not sure if I'm infamous for this, but this is the story: We'll call my main teacher, "teach 1" and my other main teacher "teach 2". some background info if you don't want to read you can skip this part: The day before my birthday the teacher put me on a stool in front......   2 reply
28 04,2021