So I had a dream that my ex, let's call him Z and me J, proposed to me-
I have no idea how old we were but in the beginning of the dream, I was saying stuff like, "I hate you so much, Z!" I could feel the genuine hate from myself in the dream. My friends kept telling me stuff like, "J, oh my god! I think that Z is going to propose to you! I was all...... 1 reply
DAMN BITCH. as someone who's been into anime since they were a young kid, i have to say that even though they are "overrated" (and for good reasons), it's worth the watch! (lil edit here) these animes probably made people interested in anime. reply
UshiTen - Ushijima x Tendou
KageHina - Kageyama x Hinata
KuroKen - Kuroo x Kenma
BokuAka - Bokuto x Akaashi
IwaOi - Iwaizumi x Oikawa
TsukkiYama - Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
DaiSuga - Daichi x Sugawara
AsaNoya - Asahi x Nishinoya
EreRi - Eren x Levi
NaLu - Natsu x Lucy
GruVia - Gray x Juvia
JeRza - Jellal x Erza
I have tons more, but it'd be too long t...... 4 reply
Not really missing class, but sometimes I'm 2-5 minutes late to class because I was on this or on my phone and I don't have an alarm for the class. I tell them that I was eating or I went to the bathroom- reply
i'm not sure if this is true (since i heard it on tik tok and tik tok isn't that reliable), but apparently your natural lip color is the color of your butthole- 3 reply
i cried for 2 hours last night because of kimetsu no yaiba: mugen train's ending, also cried for another 10 minutes because of raya and the last dragon. on a good day, i'll just tear up, but if not, i'll just cry for 10 or more minutes daily.
it's because my stupid ass watches emotional things knowing that i'm going to cry in the end. reply like I have a ton- - ended tho
htt...... reply
Anime: Banana Fish, Given
On here: Momentum, December Rain, 10 Years I Loved You The Most, Given, False Memories, My Starry Sky, I will be waiting for you in 1999, Walk on Water, At the End of the Road reply
Reminds me of Love or Hate-
I know you said that it wasn't a yaoi manga or anything, but for real...this reminds me of a yaoi manga. I really hope you guys work everything out with your parents (if you decide to). Lots of luck and love! reply