Eri's answer (2)

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It really just depends on you. I mean getting married means being prepared to create a family. For me, If I think I'm prepared, then I can actually think of getting married. But if I know that I'm not (financially and emotionally) then I won't, and of course, if I have a lover. lmao But not getting married isn't weird at all. There's nothing wrong......   reply
19 06,2020
AGE: 21!! GENDER/SEX: I'm a female SEXUALITY: still a female I guess haha COUNTRY: Philippines! FIRST YAOI: Keeping his whims in Check FAV YAOI GENRE: I'm now interested in Omegaverse FAV YAOI: I'm soft! So Eigyou Nika! WORST YAOI: None at the moment WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: April of this Year!! WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: it's a Manhwa cal......   reply
19 06,2020