Teeth's answer (9)

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y'all this is the worst tbh, being an angry crier like you know what you're feeling is red hot rage and frustration at someone being so STUPID but the automatic waterworks feels like it's invalidating your anger? like you just KNOW that's the moment they will try to dismiss your valid anger as being 'too emotional' like i know and you know this i......   1 reply
02 11,2020
currently using this one   reply
27 07,2020
not while i was reading per se... we had a family computer (my parents rarely used it) and i was super young and dumb then. i left my usb plugged in where i stored my yaoi manga downloads. i just came home one day to see my dad looking confused af while clicking through the most hardcore BL BDSM i had in my small collection. i wanted to die on the......   reply
26 07,2020
after a few years i've literally been desensitized to stuff in manga/manhwa, i can't really measure anything anymore. if we're going by 11 year old me though, the manga that really hammered it in for me was that one yaoi dj where vampire hunter priest does some fucked up shit to this vampire. then tokyo akazukin. but now i'm not even sure about t......   1 reply
26 07,2020
perfectly normal tbh, most women i know don't really cum from penetration alone- whether it's masturbation or sex. and if they ever do come from penetration, there would've been foreplay first that involved stimulating the clitoris OR the penetration is done while they're face-down so friction is still involved.   reply
28 08,2020
not really an answer but fuck that kinda family vibes man. whether you have a certain smell/scent or not, it's still a thousand times better than being the kind of insensitive friend/family who would rag on someone so much over a perfectly natural human thing enough to make them hesitant to get close to others. they have issues, or are probably try......   reply
26 08,2020
w... why would you call it that   reply
23 02,2021
about lmao
absolutely enjoying the pandemonium and the reactions of people who are frothing at the mouth about yjh casting like ,'HHRRFFFGGGHH HATE LELE MINO NOT ANIME ENOUGHaUGG SO INACCURATE hRRRHGGGHH JONGHYUKKIE SHOULD BE LIKE THIS!!!!" *posts a random tiny asian twink who looks mad*   1 reply
26 10,2023
personally don't like pineapple on pizza, but love mint combined with choco on principle, as long as their choice doesn't affect me directly then it's cool like if someone says they like pineapple pizza, as long as we both get our desired flavors then it's cool if someone says they don't like mint choco, then that's great bc it means more for me.   reply
05 11,2020