dazaisdoublesuicideparter's answer (9)

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honestly me and my dad don’t really talk a lot lol he’s usually at work and when he’s not he doesn’t talk to me unless it’s about school lol. He’s also kind of strict and he used to scare me a lot because of something that happened before but not as much anymore. i don’t think i’ve had a full on conversation with him since 4th grade......   1 reply
28 06,2021
happpy birthday sweet cheeks   reply
18 07,2021
i would not be able to kill anyone because i would be too embarrassed to even look at them in the face lol   reply
28 06,2021
I think of killing myself various times when i just can’t handle life anymore lol but i end up being to scared to do it and end up cutting instead.   2 reply
03 06,2021
about question
i wish i were as pretty as this anyways this makes me wanna be a guy   reply
28 06,2021
hiii!! i know it can definitely be hard during times but just remember to not give up. If you feel like you can trust your parents than i feel that you should really talk to them about this and get professional help :). i’m sure your parents would not feel disappointed and would want to be of help to you. If you feel you’re still not ready for ......   reply
18 07,2021
if your parents won’t do anything else to help you out then you’ll have to beat his booty. don’t let him keep treating you like this or it will get worse sooner or later.   reply
18 07,2021
like this i guess? i would be a boy if i actually looked like this   reply
28 06,2021
about question
maybe like this but not attractive like this picrew   reply
28 06,2021