most people aren't accepting of aberrant sexual proclivities, that will never be the case
if you are put off that much by the majority opinion, seek help reply
"they also beat me"
the way you added that makes me think you're making shit up
if they're scolding their fuck-up kid, that's not abuse
if you're being beaten, that is reply
in order from most recent
1 google search history
2 candy and cigarettes manga
3 typeset
4 the glencoe massacre
5 clans of scotland
6 craftsman 103.24300 blade reply
honestly, I think it's the taboo that drives people to it
look at how much illegal, immoral, or depraved things you'd do in a video game that you would never even consider in real life, fantasy is escapism. reply
like this?
it's the result of using a 20 year old camera and a Parkinson patient instead of a scanner 1 reply