pacman101's answer page 1 (107)

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piracy will continue until the legal options provide a better deal bite me   4 reply
09 07,2021
pacman101 25 10,2020
fuck that "There are kids on here" there's also porn on here   reply
25 10,2020
"This is not okay. " then don't read it, dumbass   11 reply
11 03,2021
about question
I find the concept of a gay Muslim fucking hilarious   3 reply
06 02,2021
about question
cry all you want, they'll be here long after we're gone   reply
08 11,2024
the whole series is overrated shounen tripe   1 reply
17 04,2021
the "that's offensive!!" twats crawl inside your own asshole and die   reply
16 04,2021
about question
it's google form, not forum   reply
16 07,2021
git gud   reply
18 01,2021
just one? stuff it in a 55 gallon drum and fill the air space with lye you won't have a body for long   reply
27 10,2020
"pacman101" uh... lots of pills and 4 corpses in a closet?   reply
29 10,2020
about penpals
06 05,2021
as a guy with moobs, in a heartbeat. fuck, skip the wings. you can have my titties   1 reply
29 07,2020
no, leave the kids alone   1 reply
08 02,2025
every single one of you motherfuckers   1 reply
25 12,2020
about lmao
at this point, I'd be tempted to just shoot up the place some of you are all right, don't come to school tomorrow   reply
07 11,2020
you could skip the whole uni debt part, look for a trade job.   reply
02 10,2020
"i personally think it's bullshit but what about you?" heterophobia is the hatred of straight people, not the oppression just like racism is the hatred of a race, not the oppression there are people that hate straight people, too many people in this world for that not to be the case if you think thats bullshit, you're right, it's bullshit to hate s......   reply
19 05,2020
the number of comments confusing harassment and assault are insane   2 reply
08 04,2020