Bella's answer page 3 (158)
I don't think it s bad, if we mean adults. Cuz they already ve sex.preferences, exclude yaoi. But, if it s about kids/teens - it s toxic mania.
28 12,2020
Wtf?! The author is ill and needs emergency treatment. And people, who likes it as well. The story for psychopaths
12 01,2021
Teens often thinks about it. And I m sure u re not even 20 y.o. Ur brain hasn't grown up yet.
U can do, what u want, but just think about ur family or ur future life at least. U still hasn't experienced a lot of things. And ur life as an adult just started.
I can settle every 'problem' by urself. And believe me, ur 'problems' now just imagined by......
1 reply
08 09,2020
Maybe it is just ur friends... Or ur country. I haven't seen any around me. .... Besides, do u really think they ll jump on u, if u re straight?? Lol))
08 02,2021
It s great to love urself, like that. Keep it going. ... And find a good bf. Then it ll be even better
1 reply
22 11,2020
Great plot, hot sex, without rivals
04 12,2020
Wtf? Can't even imagine it. R u even a guy or girl?
If u r a girl..... Do u even want such thing between ur legs?
Not against dicks. It is the main part of male body. But if the girl wants one.... Try to check yourself (if u r a girl, of course)
01 10,2020
Everyone everywhere has the right to tell/write own opinion. Not only u. If someone cursed u, just don't mind.
There r a lot of different people. And ll be everywhere.
Here is a lot of people (adults/teens), who likes sex (yaoi/straight). Cuz this site doesn't ve any frames for kids/teens. So any content just for everyone. If u don't like it, find......
11 10,2020
No. Well, it s can be really hot, but I ve a bf, which turn me on even more. So nope. Real sex
19 10,2020
Well, don't really get, why u want it. But if the problem is to take it in the ass - just tell ur bf. Almost every guy likes it. If u want to fuck the guy, u can use toys. But... Some guys can turn into gays after that, so i d not recommend to try it with ur bf.
15 10,2020
As for me, i accept it only for couples/lovers, as such 'game'. Any content is normal for couples, if the both sides ok with it. But... Rape (real or not) is very bad. And such 'exp.' u ll remember during the whole life. Some people find it hot, but what about the victim? Trauma.
1 reply
11 10,2020
Tea is tea. And water is water
15 10,2020
Can't u delete urself from there? U always can say, u don't like those chats or don't ve much time, or something else.
15 10,2020
Every soul ll be reincarnated. And ur soul s been reincarnated already (most likely). That's why some people remember places, where they ve never been. I ve already as well.
Every soul s a lot lives. And that why people s hard situations or suffer. To get stronger and higher.
Perfect souls ll become angels.
12 03,2021
What did i just read?? ... Wake up already, dude
12 01,2021
R t u tired of it? I mean, everyone is unique and can think whatever they want. Here's already pattern to say: 'They can't understand gays/lesbs/lgbt'. Or similar.... Here's a lot of people, who r different from each other.
U d understand, that straight people won't ever understand lgbt. And the both sides r right somehow.
2 reply
18 03,2021
Totally agree. Though i m a girl (not fuj.). From my point of view, yaoi must be prohibited to the kids (esp.). Cuz sex.preferences r starting to form at that age.
23 11,2020
I think, u can understand kids by their comments. It's always obvious.
I m over 20, but usually just read something here. Not for conversation. Cuz ve apps for this.
08 10,2020
Do u know the doctors s style? That's my handwriting.
1 reply
29 01,2021
Wtf? Go crush ur head, if everything u r thinking at this age is sex
10 03,2021