Kickassalien's question page 4 (140)

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I talk to myself a lot to the point my mom thinks there is someone else home with us (my sister)... Little does she know it's always me talking to myself... full-on conversations... I don't mean to do this and my mom thinks I'm a little crazy for it......

She full-on told me "ill accept anything but my child being psychotic"....
Should I use her words against her and come out as pan?....
01 05,2021
mine is

"Say goodbye all my two-faced friends (Goodbye)
I'm the one your parents tell you not to hang around
At any moment I could snap and then choke you out
They need an enemy
Who better than me?" - by Get Scared
30 04,2021
To never trust an atom cause they make everything up........
06 06,2021
about writing
to lock your doors and turn the lights off when you're not using them
19 04,2021
Aight, so I was talking with my friend and he happened to say that vaginas look like axe wounds....

I can't stop thinking about this....
25 04,2021
that we cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.......
22 07,2021
to not commit a crime........

BUTTTT if you happen to do so, don't smoke since one of the biggest reasons criminals get caught is due to DNA cops collect from cigarette butts........
03 07,2021
to be authentic.....
in this world, it's quite easy to lose yourself.....
12 05,2021
to knock on your fridge door cause the salad may be dressing...........
17 05,2021
that forgiveness is healthy but never forget the ones who hurt you because fool me once shame on you but......... fool me twice shame on me.....
19 04,2021
06 05,2021
that you're worthy of love <3.....
23 05,2021
to take out the trash and clean your nasty room......
13 05,2021
that broken pencils are pointless..........
02 07,2021
to not tell an egg a joke, cause they may crack up.......
16 06,2021
that the question how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Is they would chuck, they would, as much as they could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.........
29 06,2021
about eat food
12 05,2021
the only one that thinks pancakes and waffles taste the same?
12 05,2021
to always wear your seat belt when in a vehicle......
20 07,2021
23 04,2021
about question
If so how was it...... Also, should I rewatch Star Wars?
17 05,2021