Kickassalien's question page 2 (140)

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to add a Daily reminder......
23 04,2021
to never give a Christmas tree a knitting task cause they are constantly dropping their needles.................
25 05,2021
25 04,2021
At least my drama was for jokes and entertainment that wasn't meant to be taken seriously..... Calm your tits people... Start drama on funny topics not on serious topics... Don't make this site more depressing as it is....
25 04,2021
that pride month might be over but that doesn't mean you still can't be proud of yourself...... Cause damn you are awesome and you should acknowledge it sometimes <<<<<333333333
01 07,2021
that humans have a bone at the end of their spines called coccyx and it's the remnant of a lost tail.......
23 06,2021
that either you run the day, or the day runs you.
08 07,2021
that 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates..........
11 07,2021
that sometimes it's better to listen than to be heard....
23 04,2021
that if you ask a lemon for help, it will give you lemon-aid..............
07 06,2021
that Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA..........
27 05,2021
about question
Yo, have any of you ever had a tic before?.......

If you don't know what a tic is, it's a sudden, rapid, repetitive movement (motor tic) or vocalization (vocal tic)......

I had a motor tic when I was younger and I got teased so hard for it....... Damn kids are savages........ My teacher would look at me and give me a look like it was illegal to move every time I did it.........
25 05,2021
to love yourself because your matter <3............
05 05,2021
28 02,2021
Can we talk about the bi and pan eraser..... We get shit From straight people and the LGBTQ+ community..... Why the fuck do I only have to like one gender when there's soo mannny????????? AND DONT CALL ME SELFISH, DONT CALL ME A CLOSETED GAY, I DON'T AND WILL NOT SLEEP WITH EVERYONE AND NO IM NOT CONFUSED!!!!!!!! I wanna start my own community of only bi's and pans because everyone seems to actually hate us and think we don't exist. I THOUGHT THE B IN LGBTQ+ STANDS FOR BISEXUALS.... BUT NOOOOOOOOOO. I expect that from straight people but from a community that I'm supposed to feel like I belong, I don't feel that way.... ALSOOO IF I IDENTIFY AS PAN IM NOT BIPHOBIC OR IF I IDENTIFY AS BI IM NOT PANPHOBIC STFU. I swear to god people are never satisfied with anything, they just like being difficult and make you feel like shit. ALSO if you came out as bi and then you realize later you're gay THAT DOESNT MATTER YOU'RE STILL VALID DONT LISTEN TO HOES.
.... end of rant.....
28 02,2021,man%20to%20mentor%20you%20...%20More%20items...%20

what is this even?????????
I'm sorry....... what??????????
can someone explain to me why this should even be allowed on the internet??????
what the fuck are the replies..............
04 03,2021
Aight I'm here to say I'm suing @An Idiot for mental damages, bullying, and trying to steal my wife.......

I, a poor innocent soul happened to see a comment from this imbecile. It mentally scarred me.

I told her that she better get a good lawyer but then she proceeds to tell me that her lawyer will "beat my ass in court".....
Then she started calling me a green little gremlin when I said that the jury will be on my side.......

Then she told me and I quote "I might steal your wife too"......
04 07,2021
that failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour......
09 07,2021
24 04,2021
we have gotten everyone's approval and so the wedding will take place today.....
24 04,2021
that if the wind will not serve, take to the oars.........
10 07,2021
about birthday
that it's somebody's birthday today... it may not be mine or yours but it is someones.... soooo........ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WHOEVER AND I HOPE YOU HAVE MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!! I may not know you but you don't need to know someone to wish them a happy birthday.....
21 04,2021
about question
Does anyone else get thirsty when eating something sugary?..... (like chocolate or candy?).........
25 05,2021