Kickassalien's question page 1 (140)

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to always wear protection while doing the dirty...... Take proper care of yourself because you deserve it.... It should always be enjoyable and safe.....
21 06,2021
about lmao
I asked if it was gonna rain today and mf said no doesn't look like it. Not only did it rain while I literally just started driving out it poured the whole ass time. No wonder Google is my main bitch

When has tech fucked with you?
26 08,2023
that Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?.........
28 06,2021
That forgiveness isn't for the one who did you wrong but more for yourself to move on......
19 04,2021
24 04,2021

these songs are dedicated to you.... My one and only step-mom
24 04,2021
that if you wanna start a fight in space you gotta yell "comet me bro"......
27 06,2021
that it's okay to cry..... So if you need a shoulder to cry on, you can have mine.....
20 05,2021
about question
Do you guys consider watching porn cheating on your partner?
01 05,2021
that a cat's favourite colour is purrrr-ple.............
13 07,2021
to not forget your mental health and to go to therapy when needed because you are worth it and you deserve to be happy. Mental health is not just a one-day process and it can take a lot of time and effort but is worth it. No one can help you if you don't at least try and help yourself. There will always be people that support you and care for you even if they are hard to find.... I promise they are there.....
19 04,2021
about question
I'm confused about what feminity is and masculinity....
why is it feminine to be submissive and masculine to be a leader?...
why is having long hair feminine and having short hair masculine?...
why is it feminine to like makeup and why is it masculine to like sports?
why are feminine traits infantilized?
is there a word for people that have both traits?
one can't only be masculine or feminine......
30 04,2021
that I'm not an old hag or in my late 20s orrrr a milf/dilf.......
13 06,2021
to know your worth..... (you're not worthless)..... <<333
10 05,2021
to expect the worst but to hope for the best.....
01 05,2021
to get off the internet and spend time being productive....
22 04,2021
about love
24 04,2021
ok ok I also want love not war how about a truce....
24 04,2021
that I made y'all cookies but I accidentally ate them all...........
23 07,2021
about eat food
I'm hungry.......... I'm too lazy to get up tho....... so I will continue to eat my fuzzy peach candy instead.........
27 05,2021
that its mothers day <3
Single moms
Adoptive moms
Foster moms
New moms
Queer moms
Transgender moms
Disabled moms
09 05,2021
that things don't last forever....
03 05,2021