Cleopatra's answer page 1 (67)
I don't get it how does this help?? Who does this help?
Do you just want to feel like you're morally superior?
Like ok let's say best case scenario they get blocked here now that uve put them on a nice list for having pedo thoughts for reading shota or whatever. What does that accomplish? You hope they feel sad for having bad thoughts and like.........
11 reply
23 11,2023
I am done with super rich x poor/in debt stories and the manhwa webtoons that are full of them, and even more so I am done reading about all these assholes mls that we are supposed to be into cause they are chaebols with big dicks or whatever.
I think stories where the mcs are lower to middle class people are much more interesting, all these super......
4 reply
20 05,2024
Like 6 years ago I became friends with this girl on here by talking about BL & GL and we exchanged walltext-length messages for a year or so before we added each other on facebook.
Turned out she was a flat-earther and holocaust denier. Wack shit. No idea how she hid that psycho stuff THE WHOLE TIME.
If you wanna befriend ppl here make sure you a......
5 reply
27 05,2024
a lot of ppl here are very young. What we don't talk about often is how when you're in puberty or growing out of puberty you are just very self-conscious and at the same time not very "self-aware".
I think this applies to many people regardless of age, but online it is a lot more obvious because you're not really talking with real people who feel ......
4 reply
09 04,2024
OOF let me take the list out:
1) Rape to romance. I mean sometimes I can leave my brain out of it and let it go, but most of the time it's not handled well. Like.. I hate when the seme rapes the uke but then for us to like him he has someone do something worse to the uke to make us think the seme is better by comparison. Like what kinda bs is that......
1 reply
24 06,2021
girl idfk I'm gay and I read yaoi riddle me that
1 reply
28 10,2023
Is it really necessary to put the people you are attracted to in a box? It only makes things more difficult and complicated imho. Just fuck who you want to fuck and love who you want to love. Sexuality is a complicated matter by itself, I think that at the end of it by trying to give short answers to questions such as "who am I attracted to?" it ju......
8 reply
08 11,2016
Kind of into this hate club tbh hehehe
This is why I dropped BJ Alex and a man like you etc
I don't mind manga like Killing Stalking or Painter of the night, because they don't excuse or romanticize the toxicity and abuse (tho Painter of the night is getting weird there in those terms bitch I SEE YOU)
I just feel like romanticized rape is such a ......
3 reply
06 10,2020
My number one enemy is like rapey plots where the mangaka makes up flimsy excuses for why the seme (usually) didn't mean it and it was totally ok actually. AND THE EXCUSES ARE AS THIN AS PAPER GIRL.
Either write an edgy rapey plot or idk an absurd plot that understands what it's doing OR DON'T don't be wishywashy about it and make it rapey and als......
19 10,2023
I'm so out of it I thought you meant like package shipping lol kill me
1 reply
12 03,2024
I mean I'd wager 95% of shounen and seinen action manga writers have never even breathed next to a woman and have very weird/no ideas of what women could possibly be like which tends to make a lot of female characters weird by extension. And from that 5% like 2% are the women who write shounen and seinen lol (like FMA or D. Gray Man) and they can b......
15 08,2023
I think u mean romanticized or fetishized rape stories which I get, indeed there's a lot of weirdly misogynistic and very rapey hentai-vibes manga on the front page these days. Which yeah as someone else said is clickbaity and usually they kinda have like the quality that idk watching a car accident unfold has where there's horror in front of u but......
3 reply
7 days
Uuuuhm... since when are queer women saying this... like ever?
Weird thing to gatekeep about and if any queer binary leaning or not femme said this that's... a pretty twisted mentality.
Historically speaking shounen ai is another thing altogether but yaoi is clearly a straight women industry for one I mean older yaoi used to just be the notion of ......
1 reply
14 12,2019
I try to immediately delete them from my brain so I forget most, but Jinx and Love Jinx are a good disaster duet lol they both suffer from insufferable semes (and in Jinx dude literally threatens violence unless he fucks the bottom which... is a choice. If I was the bottom I'd be like well grandma you've lived long enough RIP) who have TINY TWINK H......
1 reply
05 10,2023
I think it should be de-stigmatized (not the act, the people). Now before you come at me with pitchforks, what I mean is that people hate pedophiles so unanimously it's like the ONE group of people everyone hates no matter what side of the political spectrum you are. It's like... the people we can all unite by hating lol. Even white supremacists lo......
2 reply
06 01,2021
Interesting perspective, throwing the "cultural appropriation" comment aside which I'm pretty sure was more that you couldn't express what you meant well, I do partially agree with what you are saying.
Yaoi and yuri many times fetishize gay relationships and don't really have situations coherent with reality. Heteros tend to fetishize homosexual r......
27 07,2020
I originally studied fashion design but dropped out after a year and ended up getting a BA in Fine Arts. I'm now doing an MA in Comparative Literature but that's because I like critical theory a lot. I also started a film festival that ended up being a kinda stable gig, though it doesn't make me money much.
I would like to have in the future an ac......
1 reply
10 09,2024
I'm a second gen kpop fan hehe. I used to be a hardcore SHINee fan in highschool and was also really into JYJ's/TVXQ's Jaejoong solo stuff. Oh and Brown Eyed Girls and IU (I was a huge Gae In stan damn the memories). Also BigBang especially TOP (before the shitshow lol) I was so into the scene I knew everything about every group that came out and a......
10 06,2021
I'll pretend this is sincere from some young and ignorant teen and answer sincerely.
Women get for the most part socialized differently than men. The issue with straight men who are friends initially then end up confessing is usually that they have trouble seeing a woman as not sexualized or as a potential romantic interest, therefore they end up s......
23 10,2024