Cleopatra's question (3)

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about polyamory
Cleopatra 01 05,2019
Anyone else non monogamous here??
What's your opinion on polyamory?
Do you support kitchen table polyamory or do you also think that having separate partners who never meet and you have different priorities for also counts? (parallel polyamory)
What about open relationships?

To anyone monogamous, what's your image of polyamory, or would you ever consider it?

I don't identify as polyamorous but I'm no stickler for labels. I just say I'm not monogamous. I don't have superficial relationships either, I just have multiple ones at the same time, sometimes long term sometimes short term. Sometimes they know each other sometimes they never meet. I just look at how I'm attracted to people and what I want to give to them individually, if that makes sense. I feel that love is a spectrum.

How do you guys feel about jealousy?
I've been thinking about that emotion lately. Not in the sense that I'm jealous often, just that I find the types of situations that make me jealous interesting, and how it usually has to do with me than the other person.

Like, if I'm jealous, it's not because I hate looking at someone I love being with someone else or them talking about someone else they love, but under particular circumstances if we don't have good communication I get insecure that they might leave me for the other person, and that's what triggers my jealousy.
I just have these thoughts: "what if they prefer them over me?" and then, when I realize they choose to be with me because they want to, and that person is a completely different person from me so what I'm thinking doesn't make sense, my jealousy goes away!

But Idk, it's very interesting, whenever I feel jealous. I've been having these jealous moments lately.

Just things I've been thinking about lately that I wanted to share and hear how others feel about them. Any thoughts?
01 05,2019
I don't mean tropes or like problematic stuff, more like common details that just get to you.

Mine is definitely when characters leave food unfinished or throw away food. Omg it gets to me so bad it's ridiculous hahaha

I was re-reading Love Tractor cause it's on sale on lezhin and the mc dumped a bunch of nice food in the sink cause he got upset by a phonecall and I think I popped a vein lol JUST PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE AND EAT IT LATER THESE VEGGIES DIDN'T DIE FOR U TO PLUNGE THEM OUT OF YOUR SINK WHEN IT CLOGS UP IN A MONTH (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
09 04,2024
I mean first of all, those ppl are leeches. They barely pay the artists anything decent yet they charge the highest fees when it comes to webcomics.

I have a monthly subscription there to support the authors I enjoy but honestly half the time I'm not even sure it's worth it.

Everything about their system is wrong. They randomly remove titles from their database without notifying. The website design for reading is real impractical but THEY DONT HAVE A WAY OF RECEIVING FEEDBACK SO IT STAYS DUMB. Like button for buying the next chapter often overlaps with the notification about how if you keep scrolling you'll be redirected to the next chapter MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO GO TO THE NEXT CHAPTER UNLESS U MANEUVER AROUND THE TWO BUTTONS LIKE A MORON.

And they only allow you to buy all chapters or the one next (unlike other places like tappytoons which allow u to get bundles like the next 3 or the next 10) and OMG THEIR GIFT SYSTEM IS SO BAD IT'S KIND OF CRAZY.

Like, if you are a "VIP" which is the monthly subscription thing you get a notification that u got an x amount of coins for a title, then u get hours later an EXTRA notification for extra coins, and often the special offer stuff overlap with a bunch of others, so your bonus coins page is like a fucking minefield where you need to keep on guessing what you have and carefully go through everything and note it down so u dont get confused how much of which title u actually have a discount on. Meanwhile all your bonus coins show up altogether as if they are a unified sum WHEN THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT. AND ALL THESE THINGS ARE DEFINITELY BY DESIGN BECAUSE THEY ENCOURAGE SLIPPING UP AND MAKING YOU SPEND MORE. I HATE IT.

And omg THE TRANSLATIONS HAVE FUCKING GRAMMAR AND SPELLING ERRORS, MEANING THEY DONT ACTUALLY HAVE ENOUGH PPL DOING TRANSLATING AND CLEANING SO WHO T F EVEN ARE THEY PAYING ALL THIS MONEY FOR. Like if the volunteer fans doing scanlations are better at the job than the freaking legally licenced works you have a problem.

And of course they dont have a system for you to report those mistakes or a forum for ppl to discuss anything and the feedback system they just NEVER respond to. Lately also ALL OF THE ABOVE KEEPS ON GETTING WORSE.

AAAAAA I HATE THEM I WANNA STOP USING LEZHIN SO BAD THEIR TITLES HAVE EVEN GOTTER PROGRESSIVELY SHITTIER - I hope they dont eventually end up having the crap Manta has cause Ill throw hands.. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
10 06,2024