Hi, I am "Can't you talk? You're a rude person aren't you actually? How arrogant are you to not even spare a glance to me?" person.
Guess what? I have social anxieties. reply
People nowadays are just straight up weird. But for me, I do like Dazai, he's one of my favorite character in the manga (I am not a big fan of the anime), he's well-written, but too many questions about him and his past that made me feel attached to his character. Tbh, why the hell would people have these kinnies? Bruh, Dazai literally killed innoc...... reply
flamescans! I love how the pages are high quality and their additional footnotes really helps with understanding the stories better. their translations? honestly one of the best I've ever read. reply
I am a bilingual, fluent in both Malay and English. My school offered Japanese class, so I've been taking them for almost 3 years. Even though my first language is supposed to be Malay, I am very used to speak in English and that sometimes made me became so confused when talking in my mother's toungue.
Japanese is in mid-class for me, it ain't so...... reply