cryingoverspilledmilk's question (3)

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okay okay listen i’ve read so many villainess reincarnation that i mine as well be an expert of this genre but most of the one’s i read become stale after a while, be it prolonging an obvious outcome, copious amounts of misunderstandings or just the story dragging on for no reason,,, WELL i had the brilliant idea to make my own villainess reincarnation novel but i want some type of feedback or at least like a “here’s what not to do” type of list ya know, i’m already good to go on those misunderstandings bc it doesn’t provide the story with anything except a headache,,, i’d really appreciate any do’s and don’t’s you guys have-
13 07,2021
i haven't seen anyone do this one yet ( or maybe I haven't looked hard enough ) but this is one of my favorites!

go wild my liege's
11 01,2021