givennight's experience (5)

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29 10,2020
I am really unsure about my sexuality tbh. I've had a crush on girls before, but sometimes idk how am i looking at girls or what are my feelings towards them. I think it's going to be a long journey until i figure it out myself but i don't mind it because i can learn about myself like this. I feel like i am between questioning and bi. I know it sou......   2 reply
29 10,2020
I think i have anxiety so i don't really like to go out. But i like going on trips by myself to lakes and forests. But if i have to go shopping i become really scared and i feel like no one wants me to be there/everyone is watching me. So yeah, school is hard for me too. I'm scared to talk to the teachers if i have a problem. And because of the qua......   2 reply
03 05,2020
I got better, because i talked about my sadness and my hard times with my bff. Even tho i still feel like sh*t some days, when i talk to her i become much calmer. It does helped me, and i am sure it's going to help to many people here, or anywhere. And if you feel comfortable enaugh please, talk to a proffessional. Be safe, love yourself because yo......   reply
22 04,2020
10 05,2020
I was a huge fan of kpop, i was in many fandoms but my ult was BTS. I still love kpop but im not in any fandom. I'm just here for the music. :D   reply
10 05,2020
I'm listening to music almost all the time. I listen to music when i'm reading mangas, when i'm cleaning my room, or when i'm exercising, when i'm going to somewhere etc. Tbh music saved my life so when i'm feeling down i listen to some of my favourites and i calm down a bit. I don't have a specific genre that i like, because i'll listen to anythin......   reply
01 06,2020