literally yesterday i logged in my dad's youtube channel to watch videos and his history bro .. he had PORN videos in his history .. like ik every man masturbates but like damn i didnt want to see that, forever traumatized 9 reply
it is kinda pedophile behavior like even if it’s “just fiction” you’re still saying you’re attracted to some fucking KIDS.... if you don’t see anything wrong with that YIKES. rlly fucking weird. edit: also some of y’all love hiding your real intentions and fetishes behind “it’s just fiction” just saying.. shane dawson typa beat 1 reply
I don’t have any problems with it as long as they don’t cause any harm. but, i do feel extremely sad for them as this isn’t normal behavior and are often a cause of trauma etc.:( reply
im sorry but some of these comments are weird as fuck and scream gay fetish lmao?? if you KNOW a guy is straight, shipping them with another guy is fucking weird and wrong, end of the story. go read some yaoi and stop bothering irl people reply
my whole face (nose, eyebrows, eyes, forehead, cheeks, structure, hair), my acne/skin imperfections, smile, body .. literally everything, and thats on being an insecure piece of shit reply