corndinkle's answer (4)

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omg i love that this q&a section is so supportive!!!! i fucking love when semes have their cum ace eeeeeeeeeeeee! i love when they show fingers inside of the ukes butt and its just poking and proding at the spot. literally anything can be my fetish because im so deprived of touch, its sad   reply
19 08,2020
chloe ting and cardio. eat a calorie deficit diet and make sure to indulge every once in a while or you'll go insane. also dont be too hard on yourself. make a good schedule that fits you and be consistent. also eliminate some of your favorite things but make exceptions (ex. i love ice cream and i eat it bout everyday and night so i cut it out of m......   reply
21 08,2020
ok but like.....who actaully cares. sorry to sound rude but like i've never even seem a problem with the fujoshi "community". we are literally a bunch of random people that like the same thing. some of the shit we be liking is pretty "rotten" tbh, but i've never seen anyone make it a problem till today. i haven't heard anyone say anything remotely ......   2 reply
10 07,2020
please don't come for me but i had to drop Back To School. I was literally all over it but its just so repetitive. like there are way too many fights that make no sense to me. also i understand possessive guys cause sometimes thats cool but like when someone is so possessive to the point where they dont understand that the person they are obsessed ......   1 reply
14 06,2020