Faguettism's question (4)

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about question
what's your go to manga/manhwa/manhua to reread when you're bored and don't have anything better to do?

personally i don't have a designated one, i either reread the ones that i'm waiting for a new chapter or the ones that i really liked the first time (or the ones where i forgot what the plot was about)
01 10,2024
Wich one are you, a witch, a cat or a demon?
Find it out on here!
05 07,2024
about question
the current one i'm using means den as in a lair (also my name) + bittes which means cocks in french (im multilingual) soo you get the picture.

Idk it was funny at the time but now it's calling for a change and i have no ideas for a username, thoughts?
11 07,2024
about question
Mine is Mitski i have a whole playlist dedicated to her. I couldn't possibly choose one as top 1 but i really like "I Will".
She actually even came to my country for a concert BUT I COULDN'T GO cuz the tickets were akready sold out, i'll forever be mad at myself for that...
Anyway i love all mitski fans (we're so funny and mentally ill) except the ones acting fucking weird at her concerts.
So what are yall fav songs/artists and why?
30 05,2024