Gamma_bananas's answer page 3 (96)

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BMI.. I wanted to see if I was overweight or not   reply
28 07,2020
It's a mess but I'm a pansexual, demi sexual, person :D (gender identity is wack atm)   1 reply
19 08,2020
No and I'd like to keep it that way   reply
17 07,2020
I love drag queens!! I don't really watch drag shows or follow a lot of drag characters but I'm always drawn to their fashion and makeup and their nails which I find very beautiful. I don't do drag myself but I find it a very amazing way to express oneself   reply
31 07,2020
I wish they were real :(   2 reply
29 07,2020
Damn I feel bad I hope my sister never gets into the edgy phase because I fear she'll be bullied or she'll do something bad. Even if she does get into that phase I'll help guide and teach her a bit to not be "I'm not like other girls" Kind of person and that it's okay to like being "slutty" (Nxndn I still don't understand how someone can be slutty)......   reply
31 07,2020
non-binary trans it/its :D   reply
09 07,2021
Gamma_bananas 03 09,2020
"Aejala is the poorest of the poor" It's the shade for me   reply
03 09,2020
about scared of
24 08,2020
Lmfao after months of not being here I got a shit ton of messages from mangago saying my answers broke the rules   reply
31 10,2020
about drawing
No. I want to start posting my art on tumblr but I've watched a lot of art rants about the art community and I find the community scary asf ╥﹏╥ There's so many errors in this one that it physically pains me to look at it   reply
12 07,2020
It's not a yaoi but it got some pretty homo stuff in there lol my sister saw these three idiots   reply
02 09,2020
Masochist lmao pain is pretty nice   reply
28 07,2020
Cherry blossoms after winter is staying bc the relationship between the main couple is very heartwarming to see Sign can stay too I haven't read it but it looks promising The rest can go (=・ω・=)   reply
12 07,2020
u at the wrong place asking for help   reply
09 07,2021
Yeah like three times One was a guy I said I like dhim and he said he didn't care Second guy said "what? " And moved on And then the third person was my my best friend, she said no lol we're still friends   1 reply
16 07,2020
about drawing
Since you have no ideas I would focus on bettering your art style. Maybe learn to make better background, practice different angles, etc Let's say you're already good at that. Going on to any social media site and just scrolling through different art tags help me come up with ideas or another way is to scroll through different art trends like the......   1 reply
16 07,2020
about dark web
Gamma_bananas 15 12,2020
Cute but disgusting   reply
15 12,2020