Aidh's question (1)

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Wait I need to giggle before I start

I (26O) left my bestfriend (25A) because he lied about his secondary gender. Me and him have known each other since we were in elementary. I know I couldn't be a beta because my parents are also an omega alpha pair so I wasn't surprised when they said I am am omega after I took the test in freshman year. However, even before I took the test, I have always disliked alphas, I just don't like alpha pheromones and I simply couldn't imagine myself living the traditional life. I know that not all alpha are bad, all of my alpha friends are amazing people, but for some reason, all alphas I've tried to 'get in a relationship' with are awful. Including my father, my alpha father was a terrible person to my omega dad, and left us without a reason. My omega dad refused to talk about him, so my father could possible be worse than I know him. Due to this, my dad and friends are incredibly supportive of me, they even try to introduce me to betas and omegas.

My bestfriend, let's called him C, were my closest and my most trusted person. He have been with me ever since I was young, he was always on my side and always listen to my problems, especially regarding my family issues. When I got my test result back in freshman year of hs, he said to me that he was an also an omega. I was incredibly happy, he even gave me the document, that now I learn was tampered with. I trust him so much, I cut all boundaries, and even sleep in the same bed with him (platonically ofc) but still, we did a lot of things that require trust, and definetly did things I wouldn't do with an alpha due to my childhood.

It was in collage when I found out, me and C are in diffrent major, but we decided to be roommates to save cost. It's not a crazy idea because we were so close. This is the first time we live together, yes he have stayed at my house before, but that was no more than 3 days maximum, now were living together. Not even a year after we move out, I got an irregular heat, C knows when my heat is, and I know 'his'. Whenver my heat are near, C would leave the house, and vice versa. To my beta and alpha readers who dont understand why, some of us omegas would prefer to be left alone to deal with our heat, some out of shame, some are just uncomfortable. However, this one was random and out of my normal cycle. I was in the kitchen when I felt it kick in, C was obviously home, he was playing on his phone not far from me on a sofa. I think he noticed it pretty fast, not only because I basically fall down to my knees, but the obvious pheromones I was emitting. I thought it's fine since were both omegas, shame aside, it's not something I can control. I yelled at C to get my meds on the bathroom, but C just stay still. He froze and just stare at me with eyes wide open. And I'm sure everyone can piece together what happened. Its neither of our fault, we both act on instinct. He tried to hold back, but consumed by heat I was obviously leading him on.

That aside, I became very angry not because of us sleeping together, but because he lied about being an omega. I understand he must have been concerned that our friendship would be destroyed if he told me the truth back in high school, but he clearly knows I am friends with a lot of alphas. Its not that I avoid them, I just am scared of a relationship with one. Even if he wanted to be close with me, he should try and help with my fear. Or at the least all he could do is respect my boundaries and wait until I'm healed of my fear, I too am trying to get better, to get over my trauma. It's not about him being an alpha, but because he lied to me. All my friends said I should've listened to his side of the story before cutting contact and avoiding him like that, I understand where they're coming from, but I was just disappointed that my friends of 17 years would lie to me like that and i acted out of anger. Am I the asshole?
24 04,2024