about read manga
21 09,2020
How do you stop reading manga? Lately, I feel like I’ve become addicted to reading manga. And I feel like it’s not healthy anymore bc I’m not productive in other aspects of my life. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone else feel this way?
A part of me wants to quit cold turkey to give room for more productive things like learning a new skill. But at the back of my mind, I keep thinking that I still have over 300 titles on my to-read list and I want to finish that list asap. Even tho, I keep adding more titles to the list every week and I feel like it’s never going to end.
A part of me wants to quit cold turkey to give room for more productive things like learning a new skill. But at the back of my mind, I keep thinking that I still have over 300 titles on my to-read list and I want to finish that list asap. Even tho, I keep adding more titles to the list every week and I feel like it’s never going to end.
about read manga
Hello dearies! I know 2020 has been such a tough year for all of us with the coronavirus pandemic causing the entire world to almost come to a complete standstill. Businesses are going bankrupt, no one in their right mind is traveling for leisure, and we’re all basically stuck at home (even going to the grocery is a big deal). Altho ECQs and travel bans are slowly being lifted all over the world, countries that were hit early are starting to undergo a third wave of the virus. This leads us to think, will there come a day when we can safely come out of our houses without a mask on ever again or will this “new normal” stay for good? With that, I’d just like to ask you, how are you taking all this? How are you holding up with the new normal of wearing face masks, social distancing, and all other new restrictions to your daily lives? Share your stories here
about read manga
What’s the most messed-up, twisted, dark manga you’ve ever read? And if you’re into that genre, may I ask why? Just out of curiosity.
I actually chickened out of reading Nishin Masumi’s works bc based on the comments, they’re deeply disturbing. But are you into that type of very dark, gory, twisted genre?
I actually chickened out of reading Nishin Masumi’s works bc based on the comments, they’re deeply disturbing. But are you into that type of very dark, gory, twisted genre?
about i like crying
SPOILER ALERT FOR BANANA FISH (I tried to not give spoilers as best I could and only talk about my feelings but you might still be spoiled if you haven’t watched/read it)
I just spent 3 days watching Banana Fish and reading what little I could of the manga including Garden of Light and Angel Eyes. And I did not take it well, I lost my appetite in those 3 days. After I finished BF, I just felt numb with this dull ache in my chest and a feeling of deep emptiness. So I slept to alleviate some of the pain but when I woke up, I cried so hard, harder than I’ve ever had in years. And the catharsis felt sooooo healing. I have a long way to go before I can look at that particular photo in Garden of Light without hurting but that’s okay. Crying until my eyes were completely swollen is my first step to healing.
(This next part is more spoiler-y but I still tried my best)
I feel broken bc of everything that transpired in Banana Fish. I can understand why Ash did what he did in the end and it may have been the best choice for both Eiji and himself but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Garden of Light gave me the closure that I needed but in a way, it was even more painful than the end of Banana Fish. I’m just so broken right now bc of everything Ash went thru. The world failed Ash so hard over and over again and he was so strong but so broken inside. If I had met him myself, I would have done anything to take away all of his pain and all of his demons. It still kills me that I can’t do anything for him. And I can’t let go of everything just yet but I’m on my way to healing.
I just spent 3 days watching Banana Fish and reading what little I could of the manga including Garden of Light and Angel Eyes. And I did not take it well, I lost my appetite in those 3 days. After I finished BF, I just felt numb with this dull ache in my chest and a feeling of deep emptiness. So I slept to alleviate some of the pain but when I woke up, I cried so hard, harder than I’ve ever had in years. And the catharsis felt sooooo healing. I have a long way to go before I can look at that particular photo in Garden of Light without hurting but that’s okay. Crying until my eyes were completely swollen is my first step to healing.
(This next part is more spoiler-y but I still tried my best)
I feel broken bc of everything that transpired in Banana Fish. I can understand why Ash did what he did in the end and it may have been the best choice for both Eiji and himself but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Garden of Light gave me the closure that I needed but in a way, it was even more painful than the end of Banana Fish. I’m just so broken right now bc of everything Ash went thru. The world failed Ash so hard over and over again and he was so strong but so broken inside. If I had met him myself, I would have done anything to take away all of his pain and all of his demons. It still kills me that I can’t do anything for him. And I can’t let go of everything just yet but I’m on my way to healing.
11 12,2020
I know 2020 has been hard on all of us. But now that the year is ending, let’s take a moment to recall everything that put a smile on our face or helped us get thru the toughest moments of 2020. Whether they’re a person, new change in your life, or even the littlest of things that “made” your year or at least made it bearable.
For me:
1. Learning so many life lessons thru countless meaningful conversations with friends and simple exchanges with strangers.
2. Friends - I never feel lonely bc I love being alone but 2020 really got to me. And I’m so grateful to have friends that I could confide in every time I started spiraling into depression.
3. Frontliners - they are the heroes of 2020.
For me:
1. Learning so many life lessons thru countless meaningful conversations with friends and simple exchanges with strangers.
2. Friends - I never feel lonely bc I love being alone but 2020 really got to me. And I’m so grateful to have friends that I could confide in every time I started spiraling into depression.
3. Frontliners - they are the heroes of 2020.