dickysock's answer (11)

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this whole site fetishizes gay men and pls 70% of the manga on this site has rape so idk why u complaining. plus ybc has been popular but it’s gaining hype again cuz of its op and bitches want to hope on the hype train   1 reply
08 02,2021
about question
just keep talking malay, who gives a fuck if they understand or not   reply
09 02,2021
the amount of muslims on this site makes me feel so safe. glad to find out i’m not the only one sinning   4 reply
09 02,2021
about lmao
dickysock 09 11,2020
ok let’s argue using facts :). Ybc is a show based in high school involving teenagers. cp is classified as anything (whether irl or drawn) including people who are underage. Since the anime is made in japan (obv) we have to go by japanese law. Now, people might argue saying “the legal age is 13 and they’re older than that”. that is correct.......   reply
09 11,2020
I would check the tappytoon account on another device. If your coins are still not there go and check your paypal account. If in your recent transactions tappytoon took money, I would contact them with proof of receipt.   reply
04 02,2021
I totally agree with you on certain parts, but even if people push for it it won’t be adopted. Even if it was in place, They would continue to produce ‘rape’ plot mangas because it sells to a certain audience who get off on ‘forced’ situations. What’s seen as a minimum to you, might be the maximum to others. There’s a consensual non-c......   reply
03 01,2021
dickysock 18 12,2020
It really all depends on how well you would take in that rejection hearing it personally from the person of interest. But to answer your question literally, it’s fine to confess even if you’ll get rejected. Personally for me I wouldn’t. I have social anxiety, I’ll be thinking about that rejection even after 5 years. Good luck, stay safe (�......   1 reply
18 12,2020
that’s my type that’s my type ~   1 reply
11 01,2021
im guessing you just found out about mangago   reply
04 02,2021
cringe too overhyped bitches acting like this didn’t exist 4 yrs ago   reply
18 02,2021
my very first one was finder. I read it when I was hella young. maybe around 8 or 9. I dropped it so quickly when i seen dicks and some vibrator getting shoved into his ass. I felt so guilty and i probably spent the entire night repenting. I was still interested so I read it one chapter at a time. It was all on my tablet too . now that i think abou......   reply
05 10,2020