K_shooky's question (11)

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Since I stopped talking to all the people I knew from high school I have become awkward at human interaction if you want ass me on insta or snap

Just come say hi or send me memes
01 06,2020
Any recommendations for a good website to buy wigs for my deku cosplay?
11 12,2020
When I wale up I feel like there’s a buzzing under my skin and it makes me very uncomfortable and feel weird, does it happen to any of you and does it makes you feel like you’re scared or feel sick?
20 08,2020
TW: I make myself throw up a lot because I don’t like the food I put in my body but after I do I always need something sweet cus it helps with the burning in the back of my throat any good candies to eat to help?? ( I DO NOT condone anyone to make themselves throw up it’s harmful to your body please seek help or talk to someone about it.)
17 11,2020
K_shooky 22 07,2020
I have Snapchat or Instagram if anyone would want to add me

I post Makeup and photos of nature if you wanna add me!
22 07,2020
about question
uh hi i know not a lot of people will see this or just scroll past this but I just feel like i needed to vent and I cant go to my family but I've had a rough day and something my sister said really tipped it off, she's always been the biggest problem in my life even though she's younger she uses my mental illness and anxiety against me calling me worthless and she does it in front of my family but they just let her say these things whenever but today really set it off. i left school because of bullying and attempting to take my life and its especially hard to find a job now for multiple reasons and she constantly uses it against me she said that she's better than me because she has a GED and a job and I'm basically nothing and that ill never amount to nothing but id love to go into makeup but every time i try and get a compliment she's always butting in and trying to get the attention back on her. I don't know how much longer I can take any more but all i ask for is just a nice comment or a virtual hug.
30 12,2020
I made a business Instagram and it’s for posting too and tricks for makeup or easy looks and it would mean a lot if you’d follow and give a like.
19 02,2021
Honestly they are the worst and just straight up racist, homophobic and fifty types of other things but that’s a story for another day. But the main thing I’d love to talk about is their refusal to wear a mask eve if it’s mandatory in my state they refuse and will pitch a fit and start yelling and complaining. I honest to god hope they get COVID.( yes they are trump supporters) and me and my sister both wear our masks when we go anywhere and they always give us shit for it and my sister has tried to explain how it’s helping her keep others safe and of course both of them say that then they don’t have to wear it if they are ( me and my sister)are wearing one. Please manifest this so they can both get it.
05 12,2020
My boyfriends family are super hardcore trump supporters and I’m just not like that I have no interest in that mad or politics but they insist on wanting me to talk about it and like him and I just can’t, it makes me very uncomfortable when they talk about it and give me trump stuff I just throw it away, how do I tell them I’m not into politics let alone republican. And also happy pride month and don’t forget to donate to the blm movement’s or just sign your name!
20 06,2020
about dating
I can tell he’s not really in love with me anymore by the way he talks and texts me, I’m too much of a coward to do it, I wish he would just get it over with so I’m not constantly trying to give my all and exhausting myself.
27 08,2020
about vent
K_shooky 16 06,2020
I’ve always been insecure about my weight and my family doesn’t help, I’ve tried pills and working out, my next step is to just throw up or stop eating all together. I’m so tired of it I’ve tried so hard to love myself and accept the way I am but it so hard with the people I’m around.
16 06,2020