cloudy~ read dorohedoro's answer (12)

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I don't mind rape in fiction either. It's not something I search for but I don't hate it, i just hate when it's so poorly written. I love dark fiction, as in books, films, manga, etc. but if it includes rape, i prefer it at least be developed (idk how to word this oof) instead of just thrown in there for shock value....if it's not written well it's......   2 reply
01 02,2020
about lmao
i want to go on a long train adventure some day   reply
12 04,2021
INTJ! i love my type bc i think it describes me almost perfectly. although the negative stereotypes are annoying bc i can be "bubbly" and soft, i'm just hella reserved if i'm not 100% comfortable with someone. anyone else intj? let's be friends!   1 reply
20 01,2020
about lmao
men w scars. yes.   reply
12 04,2021
about penpals
idk if this is still going on but my insta is @jyu_un :DDD let's be friends   reply
15 01,2020
super late but my instagram is @jyu_un hehe   reply
24 12,2019
hi, i'm 18. my instagram is @/jyu_un! let's be friends   reply
28 03,2020
hiii i'm clauberry_ :))   reply
17 05,2020
the rational part of me says beta, but i wanna say omega so bad lmao so omega,,,   reply
23 01,2020
in may, i was riding the bus home after my exam and an old man sitting behind me started whispering dirty things to me, like things about his dick and shit. it was really disgusting. i was so uncomfortable i got off at some random mcdonalds that wasn't even my stop :/   2 reply
19 01,2020
to be really honest i think it was some hetalia doujin lmaooo i was 13 years old and so confused then the first original yaoi work i read was ten count hehe   1 reply
15 01,2020