Seven's answer (7)

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Ahhahahah I'm black...I honestly don't know what would become of me in a historical era and personally, I'd rather not find out but the entertainment purposes I thought this would be fun so here it is...I kept the design as simple as possible because my mind could help but supply so many negative thoughts during the process...welp it's 12 am I prob......   1 reply
22 07,2021
Shrug and keep reading cause they already know what they gonna see and as they shake they head in disappointment I would remind them that they already know the kind of stuff I read.   reply
10 06,2021
So in an rp server I have a set of twins so...I made two. The first one being Ezekiel and the second being Evangeline...their nicknames being Eze and Angel respectively.With Eze's lunch he doesn't really care for fruits and will often trade with other kids to get more savory items.Angel prefers simple mess-free foods, she doesn't mind savory but sh......   reply
22 07,2021
These be mine.   reply
22 07,2021
Naw, man, that's just you. But I'm not gonna say I haven't done it. I used to do it often in school it's not like I had shit else to do...but I mean I read smut fanfics and listened to Yagami Yato like that shit was Spotify so maybe it's cause I'm desensitized to it. So, it's not that it's better I just don't fucking care. If you can see what's on ......   reply
10 06,2021
I didn't find BL, BL found me I was like maybe 9 or 10 when I found Kyo Kara Mouh I thought it was a shounen anime and I really liked it...I found out just yesterday that it was a Shounen-Ai.It do be like that sometimes.   reply
10 06,2021