kim_dokjas_ass's answer page 4 (336)

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If you like it, yes. Simple as that. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it. Bam.   1 reply
17 06,2021
about lmao
I mean...I shower because I don’t like smelling disgusting. And is it even a bad thing that it’s a trend if it actually were? If everyone is doing it, then nobody will smell disgusting.   reply
10 04,2021
about question
Wake up babe, your mid-afternoon rage bait just dropped.   reply
13 05,2024
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Funny enough the bad translations don’t bug me and I’ve been fortunate so far not to run into anything where the translator took it upon themselves to add their own “slang” as someone else previously said. What actually bugs me (and this is a non-issue, to which I just don’t read the series if I come across this) is when the crappy machi......   2 reply
14 08,2024
about question
Well we certainly don’t stan anyone who defends Quicksilver   1 reply
12 07,2021
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  2 reply
19 03,2024
For me it’s a good solid plot-line that’s entertaining and unique (easy to follow as well), a good bromance (I’m a sucker for platonic relationships), and a whole lot of comedy. Some of my favorites that have all these things are: Jujutsu Kaisen, Eleceed, How To Fight, and Dr. STONE.   reply
18 05,2021
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I try not to feel guilty while I’m reading something. If I enjoy it, I enjoy it. It makes life so much easier. I think of it like watching a really bad movie so I can point and laugh at it. If it’s something I genuinely don’t like or I feel like I need to “force” myself to keep reading, I just put it down. Maybe I’ll come back to it l......   2 reply
07 04,2024
about question
OK...enough internet for you. I respect people who defend us...but not those who do it like complete buffoons. How about you drop the savior complex, take a hike, and mull on what you said.   1 reply
28 05,2021 an mlm it makes me very uncomfortable to read this. The issue is that y’all are OPENLY talking about it. Idgaf about what you wanna masturbate to...that’s none of my business, so let’s keep it that way. I’ll get over it if you shut your trap and just do what makes you feel good IN PRIVATE. Istg most of the teen girls on this ......   2 reply
05 06,2021
This!!! Just as op said, having rape in a story is fine…SO LONG as the author portrays it properly. Rape isn’t something to be romanticized or sexualized, nor is it just another plot element you can sprinkle on a story and then attempt to sugarcoat it. There’s nothing hot or attractive or adorable about someone being sexually assaulted aga......   1 reply
18 07,2021
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Anything my mom cooks.   1 reply
25 05,2021
I see where you’re coming from, but I guess I’m dumb now #-.-)   reply
11 04,2021
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I always feel like a pervert or something even though I didn’t do anything to be ashamed of.   reply
09 04,2024
31 05,2021
No.   reply
31 05,2021
“Oh Doppio, my kawaii Doppio…” No extravagant backstory…just felt like it.   1 reply
23 06,2021
about question
Bromance (aka: they’ve definitely explored each other’s bodies on more than one occasion)   1 reply
12 08,2024
Omfg when people make asinine comments about other culture’s foods. Mainly Asian dishes. Like OK, you’re valid to say “oh that’s not really for me” or “I don’t think I could eat that” But when people be saying shit like “this is why we had COVID” or “Asian people rlly be eating anything” or “that’s so wrong!! *spams pu......   2 reply
26 03,2024