kim_dokjas_ass's answer page 2 (336)
-Sword Art Online is trash (It would’ve been good if they didn’t hyper-focus on the romance aspect)
-Suho from True Beauty is overrated, and it seems like a lot of people only sympathize with him because he’s beautiful but then they hate Jugyeong for no justifiable reason?
-from my previous statement, people hating FL’s for no valid reaso......
3 reply
29 06,2021
I have a lot of issues with this-
I mean, I agree most fujoshis are creepy and obnoxious (coming from an mlm)...
but what does being white have to do with being a fujoshi?? The term was coined in Japan anyways?? So uhhhh...nice try but anyone can be a fujoshi.
And y’all even know what the term cultural appropriation means?? (It’s ......
03 06,2021
I- Just from the way you typed up the question I can already tell you’re missing braincells-
14 05,2021
Mine is part 4 because without context, it’s basically about a group of socially awkward teens kink-shaming a serial killer
1 reply
17 06,2021
There’s so many things wrong with this question...someone take this child’s phone away
22 04,2021
Mm I used to...but it seemed like too much effort. I just wanna sleep in and read manga.
17 05,2021
This is why I hate involving myself with the LGBTQ+ community in general because it’s so toxic to me. I don’t even bother labeling myself under any specific sexuality anymore since it’s just proven to have done more harm than good for me. Now I follow my personal belief that love doesn’t need to be labeled. But that being said, if you want ......
1 reply
18 05,2021
I STRONGLY urge you reach out to some kind of professional to talk to first and foremost (like a counselor, therapist, helpline, ect.) as they are fully equipped to handle and offer expert advice on what to do AND are completely confidential.
I think it’s good that you are at least aware! The first step to overcoming addiction is being aware of ......
1 reply
08 08,2024
Hi, I do not speak for all trans people, as every person’s experience is different!
BUT let’s start off with something very basic: gender (what you identify as) and sex (what you’re assigned at birth based on genitalia) are NOT the same thing.
Confused? Here’s an example. A trans person’s gender may be male (what they identify as), b......
2 reply
17 03,2024
*rubs hands together menacingly*
Babygirl-core Kim Dokja
5 reply
19 03,2024
2 reply
09 08,2024
People who shamelessly ship Sebastian x Ciel got me puking buckets
29 06,2021
I’m teetering between pursuing scenic painting and playwriting. But honestly I wouldn’t complain if I ended up working as a some form of technician backstage.
So TLDR: I am broke, and I’m going to be broke
08 08,2024
I’m mlm and read BL sometimes...(but only if the storyline is interesting), and I honestly don’t care if a girl (or anyone of any other gender) wants to read BL.
My issue is if said girl starts SEXUALIZING mlm material or convincing herself that fictional BL relationships are like IRL mlm relationships.
Also to the girls who makes excuses fo......
1 reply
05 06,2021
Not sure if y'all knew this or not, but "fujoshi" doesn't actually mean "a girl that likes BL" it means "rotten girl" and is basically used to insult girls who fetishize homosexual relationships. Basically it's not a great thing to call yourself! Other than that, have a lovely day!
4 reply
12 03,2020