Dandy's answer page 5 (257)

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Dandy 07 10,2020
awww that was adorable ask her out i guess but i've never had a crush on anyone really so idk   reply
07 10,2020
Dandy 14 10,2020
what- sorry WHICH link are you talking about? also since you gave something wholesome...here is some cute screenshots and ORV fan art i stole from someone on this site   4 reply
14 10,2020
about lmao
move to Antarctica there's penguins you can befriend and you know no bug gonna survive there   reply
27 11,2020
i didn't know himejoshi was girl who likes GL. I guess i'm a himejoshi and fujoshi. you learn something new everyday i guess.   1 reply
25 01,2021
Dandy 23 11,2020
depends what kinda cookie if the had frosting yes but what about chocochip cookies or plain sugar cookies? do they just dry orgasm all the time? edit: i've decided that chocochip cookies cum melted chocolate but still don't know about sugar cookies....   2 reply
23 11,2020
Dandy 28 01,2021
28 01,2021
Dandy 21 01,2021
21 01,2021
about question
the second one. for sure.   reply
13 07,2021
can i take you home?   reply
19 11,2020
i love you but i want them back NOW or else you're not a good boi anymore   4 reply
19 11,2020
about cooking
is it bad that i already knew this   2 reply
30 05,2021
Dandy 27 11,2020
they look so real tho   reply
27 11,2020
about writing
"Those Sexy Eyes Make Me Cum" "Don't Pick Up the Soap" "Mushroom Syndrome Cum or Die" "Daddy Tastes Like Butter" "Does the Carpet Match the Drapes?" there's others but i don't remember them at the moment   reply
27 11,2020
about question
Dandy 24 01,2021
my dad would buy me my own car tf you talking about???   reply
24 01,2021
about lmao
ampalaya tastes so disgusting, my parents want me to eat that shit and say crap like "you'll get used to it if you eat it everyday" for what? what is the point of putting myself through that torture just so i can not throw up what i eat that. no. i rank psychological stuff and fluff around the same level so idk do what you will with that info.   1 reply
28 04,2021
about question
Dandy 21 11,2020
i exist i guess. i'm suppressing a lot so i think i'm gonna blow eventually but idk when i don't really care. it could be in minutes or i could stay strong for a few more months. idk. so i'm just waiting at the moment.   reply
21 11,2020
its not normal so the next time he does that pull a sangwoo or something of the sort and your family and especially your parents shouldn't do that   1 reply
13 10,2020