I've got carpophobia, the fear of veins/wrists. it makes me feel super disgusted and cringe when I see my own or another persons wrists. I can't think of wrists being cut open and even when looking at jesus on the cross makes me want to cut my arms off even now while I'm writing this I've grown really conscious of my wrists and have the same urge. 3 reply
screaming about the misogynistic traits etc in stories isn't gonna do shit, especially on a website like this. If you have a problem go talk directly to authors. please understand that the creators don't live in westernised countries so don't find it surprising if being gay is depicted as bad in a manga. 2 reply
the face i had when I READ THIS, WTF? This could be a joke but you ARE NOT part of LGBT. Stop forcing yourselves into communities that want NOTHING to do with people who should belong in jail. reply