you want your kids to learn, not be afraid of you. should a kid be smacked for spilling a cup of juice? no. the parent should teach them the consequences of spilling the juice, say, it stained something. teach them to clean it up. a sobbing child isn't going to learn how to fix spilled juice, but they're going to be terrified of doing so. if they m...... reply
i have. it's not that I want to die, just more like a 'why not' thought. here are some personal reasons that im still alive
reason(s) to live:
youll never see the end of your favorite ongoing anime if you die
you'd never get to finish any of your ongoing mangas
your pet would be sad
you'd never get to have your favorite food again
you gotta ...... 1 reply
wasn't allowed to relax in my room cause of something my sister did. not allowed to say 'ok' but instead have to say 'yes sir, yes ma'am' under threat of a whooping. not allowed to listen to music. took away my car cause I didn't go to church. the list goes on 1 reply
in 8th grade there was this guy who liked me, but I had absolutely zero interest in. but, there was this 7th grader who liked him and tried to get close to me to get close to him. she wanted me to reject him so that she could swoop in as the savior. so, at the dance, the guy asked me out. the girl had pushed him to do so, and was staring at me wit...... reply
not sure what it's called but fear of loud/sudden noises. one time I had a panic attack because a football hit a window all loud. didn't even know what a panic attack was reply