Soohwa's answer (20)

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about question
Lana del Rey girlie said some racist shit and is pro Israel like byeee   4 reply
12 12,2023
Right like I’ve been here for 3 years and only have read 200+ got a job and school life so I’m just wondering how y’all are reading that much while living a busy life   reply
27 10,2023
Soohwa 14 12,2023
tall women   reply
14 12,2023
about question
The best.. definitely paskim   4 reply
24 12,2023
Congratulations on your happy life!!   reply
19 12,2023
about dating
IM AROMANTIC!! I want to like someone but I literally can not find people romantically attractive!!   1 reply
27 11,2023
THAT FUCKING TRANSLATOR THAT KEEPS DROPPING RACIAL SLURS. A translator kept adding unnecessary transphobic and racial slurs in the manga acting like it was part of it?? I had drop that shit, got annoying so fast   2 reply
07 10,2023
STAR X FANBOY!!! They are my to go to They’re just so cuteeee   2 reply
24 10,2023
about question
Soohwa 05 12,2023
Just a college student who works retail. Found this site through tik tok in the beginning of quarantine. 2020 was a different time..   reply
05 12,2023
have no life   reply
18 12,2023
mafumafu nendoroid + a few cds my most prized possessions   1 reply
09 12,2023
Soohwa 16 11,2023
Girl don’t even worry about it. Races share similar features like nose, hair, etc. it’s only natural if y’all have similarities as your both viet. What she said was rude as hell especially right in front of your face?! That can be considered as a microaggression. Like why did she feel the need to say that right there and then? Don’t let he......   reply
16 11,2023
about question
Don’t ghost but just distance yourself away? My bsf literally ghosted me for like 3 months bc she was going through some shit. She didn’t tell me why at the time so I made up my own conclusions. It hurts either way. It’s just better to be upfront ig I told a friend of like 3 years that I didn’t want to be their friend anymore then we just p......   reply
29 12,2023
about question
Def ask where your paper is!! Teachers take cheating seriously usually they call your parents or talk with the principal/counselor(?) but they definitely don’t let it go. Considering how your teacher hasn’t said anything they might’ve just lost it. On the bright side your passing either way so..   reply
12 12,2023
about question
I fucking hate it when victims end up with their abusers. Both are terrible but if we’re comparing them then the relationship wise I prefer Euihyun and Taeju for the same reason. Waterside Night shows the trauma inflicted onto Euihyun and how it has mentally damaged him. It’s a fact that Euihyun and Kim Dan are going to end up with their abuser......   1 reply
30 11,2023
about question
I have!! My talent is   reply
10 01,2024
about question
I see myself with a girlfriend   reply
23 11,2023
19 12,2020
about question
When Memories Snow by Mitksi AND IF I BREAKK!! COULD I GO ON BREAK?!?   reply
22 10,2023