raindragon's answer (12)

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Lee Kang of Put A Smile On. Super-hated. Almost every commenter wants him strung up by the balls. I love him! He's a super dom, he even has the dominant dialogue down. "It doesn't matter what you think, I'm going to fuck you anyway." He's good looking, black hair, golden eyes. High School swim team. Beyond buff, and freakishly strong.   3 reply
19 07,2020
The whole love-confession thing is either a manga plot device or a Japanese practice that might possibly work, but only in Japan where all kinds of things come into play that the rest of the world doesn't understand. Speaking from a USA pov, it's stupid to tell someone you love or like them before you even know them. Second, if you tell someone y......   2 reply
01 12,2016
I'm with Q when it comes to Ms Kittencaboodle-chan. We (lol) like the forced sexual encounter in Yaoi: a very idealized, enticingly romantic act, stylishly removed from RL, something like the scene in "Lost Virgin." I sometimes like a story that involves heterosexual people. Am I fetishizing them, too? LOL I like men with men, and I like most ......   2 reply
19 06,2021
Put A Smile On - Super Controversial. Most people have a serious hate-on for the seme, Lee Kang. Some even hate Junho, the homophobic main character. I like it   1 reply
19 07,2020
raindragon 25 02,2020
It's all your fault. Do you realize that? What are you thinking tangling with someone else's gf? Why are you even in the same room with her when he isn't around? No wonder he got instantly mad at you. Stay out of other people's relationships. Stay away from your friend's gf unless you don't mind losing your childhood friend. You can be frien......   5 reply
25 02,2020
this is stupid. half of all straight people are women. Women have been oppressed through history. Heterophobia? A phobia is an extreme irrational fear, a dread or aversion to something, often something that poses no actual threat. Spiders are mostly harmless, yet arachnophobia is a common phobia. If you've ever dealt with a real phobia, you kn......   reply
01 05,2020
Absolutely not. You can't trust anyone. I have three seriously damaging experiences from telling someone something private and having them tell another who told another, etc. Three times. These were life-ruining secrets I told to people I would have trusted with my life. The resulting devastation was unbelievable. Never tell anyone something ......   reply
26 07,2020
Being a big fan of Karl Jung, I was excited to take the online Meyers Briggs Personality Type test. This was several years ago. Hopefully they've adjusted it because almost everyone I know who has ever taken the online version, including myself, got the same result: INTP. I know a lot of people who in no way resemble an INTP personality who got ......   4 reply
06 04,2017
Tomokazu Fugita as Gintoki Sakata in Gintama. Especially the Stands (ghosts) at the hot springs arc, and the scene in the underground shangrila arc where Gintoki jumps in to shield little Seta from being hit with darts (kuniaku or something like that) where he is trying to convince the women of the armed guard that the darts didn't stab him. It m......   1 reply
20 10,2016
Yaoi has zero to do with gay men and their relationships with other gay men. Yaoi doesn't involve or come from a fetish with gay men, so you can stop worrying about it, it's not about you. Yaoi comes from the man living inside every woman, and that's where you will find the kind of characters that are the sole province of the female author's mind......   4 reply
01 05,2020