ReviewRaptor's answer page 1 (118)
That's nonsense tbh.
Just because someone cannot draw a specific thing doesn't mean they cannot clearly see, point out and advice for betterment.
That's like saying I need to be a doctor to tell someone with a broken leg to go get it fixed.
1 reply
08 03,2024
See, here's your mistake: You are honestly expecting people to READ. Be it the description or genre tags. Some people are not up for that incredibly challenging task.
7 days
Go to the police.
Even if she's your mother; she committed a crime.
Give her a chance to return it herself, but if she doesn't you should get the police involved.
Sorry you have to deal with such a shitty situation. But they should NOT ever treat you like this. Needing money and asking for it is perfectly fine, but not just taking it as they like......
22 days
....kissing after they ate out their partner's ass.
I'm sorry, but miss me with that shit. Literally.
Especially after a workday and not showering. That just add's to the hurl-factor for me.
If you tried this with me irl, I'd break you goddamn dick off after elbowing your face. You nasty fucker.
Cum is one thing, still not a fan of kissing afte......
1 reply
24 07,2024
I already know exactly what kinda answers this post will get without even having to look. So I'll dip and run before shit hits the fan.
27 10,2024
The author very clearly understands. Not sure how you can miss that given these types of comics have a HUGE selling point these days.
Just stop looking for the comments. I have no idea how they are 'on your timeline' unless you actively look for them. Or is it clips and co on TikTok, Twatter and whatnot?
1 reply
10 days
I'mma be honest: Why is that NOT a feature on every reading website?
It should be mandatory, for the ease of reading and avoiding trash. Especially trash genre tags we are never interested in anyway.
2 reply
30 05,2024
I have THREE for you, actually!
1. Inform yourself about what words mean before using them.
Otherwise you'll look like the biggest fucking idiot if a normal human being encounters you. Let alone if you wanna start a discussion/verbal fight.
Looking at all these idiots in comments sections using buzzwords like racism, rape, sexism, etc. without ha......
1 reply
29 09,2024
I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge tho?
That's why nobody gives a shit when people say it.
Besides, Gojo is definitely NOT the worst person to fangirl over. Most do it for his looks anyway, a smaller portion also for his personality (sarcasm, being silly and taunting all the time, etc.).
There is WAY worse people getting fangirled over, le......
30 05,2024
I love seeing stuff get regurgitated for the millionth time and all the replies keep coming back to:
- I never read it but I know it's shit, how can you read this and like it!?
- You read it so you MUST like rape and bad people!
- You are trying to find reason in psychological behavior, you are SUCH a TERRIBLE POS!
Can you people jus......
3 reply
26 01,2024
Literal grifters.
A donation button I wouldn't mind, but literal paywall? EW.
It's not normal but it's become a more frequent thing I believe.
Monkey see, monkey do. So obviously people will think this'll be a money making opportunity.
Rule of thumb tho: Don't pay money for something illegally done that you cannot even be sure has good quality.
15 12,2024
Do you know how hard this question is to answer when you JUST woke up, you literally have 15 tabs open, with at least 5 different comics you're constantly switching back and forth on because yesterday you had the attention span of a backed potato that got roofied and thrown into a blender??
But after some digging in my history, here you go: https......
1 reply
14 10,2024
Me wondering wtf a 'guy hobby' is.
If it's about hobbies we have: drawing, writing, playing games and crafting accessoires, as well as making plushies.
1 reply
3 days
Oh come ON, I JUST went online and this already made me wanna go off for about a year or so. WTF?? XD
Tags are probably the best invention for fiction of any kind ever.
Makes sure I don't need to subject my eyes to pure degeneracy. Which this one definitely is. That author needs help.
11 03,2024
I got two absolutely fucking annoying things:
1. The typical smut hentai-girl-protagonist character that turns into an ahega-ho cocksleeve at the slightest touch of a nipple or getting prodded.
That shit is SO unappealing, looks absolutely stupid and is overall just obnoxious.
2. Straight or bi characters meeting a guy they like for the First tim......
10 02,2025
Nope, not based on assumption. It's based on preference.
In my 10+ years of reading stories of any kind, I have found BL have the best stories and best characters (unique ones as well). Of course there are some to be found outside of BL too, but the vast majority of well-written stories I have read in my years are found in the BL genre. Stories th......
26 01,2021
I'mma go ahead and prank myself into thinking I don't have depression.
Who knows, maybe it'll work this time.
31 03,2024
I got 2 on my mind right now:
Mother's Spirit.
The story is just such a great read.
Funnies galore, emotional moments, a great romance, great theme with lots of loving detail put into the fictional tribe and how someone like the love interest would naturally/realistically react to the modern world. And the art is gorgeous~
Other than that I'd a......
03 02,2025
The terms revenge porn and anti-woke don't apply to any of the works tbh. But let's stay on the main topic (lengthy reply, beware):
I think the reason why there is so much negative stuff flooding is because most scanlation groups only take up those stories. We can easily observe that given how webtoon heavy the uploads have gotten on this website.......
2 reply
10 days