Chocomushy's answer (5)

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1. I procrastinate a LOT of times to the point I suffer a lot. 2. I find it easy to trust a person to the point it becomes problematic. 2. I'm super into smut manga/watching hentai but when it comes to watching porn I find it boring or to the point, I fall asleep while watching it.   reply
05 09,2020
I never thought red would look good with black and gold lol   reply
18 02,2021
my deepest darkest secrets   reply
22 12,2020
I experience this kind of pain too, you keep pushing yourself on the ppl who won't appreciate you or should I say the ppl you don't value you. My best advice for someone also experiences that to is to find some ppl who will truly value you. In my experience, it took me years to find them but it was worth the wait and I really hope you can find th......   reply
25 06,2020