Animulord's question (16)

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about question
under the rain shojo style, have their shirt stuck against enormous pecs, while their muscular arms have you stuck against the wall

why is that hot
30 03,2024
about question
04 05,2024
about question
i've been reading trash that belongs in the trash can for a long while now (including the raws) and its honestly just getting better and better, from the complexity of the characters, to how the plot comes together and don't even get me started on the cover art of each chapter. its honestly just brilliant. but the thing is, its not talked about enough and its just driving me crazy because of how good it genuinely is.

is any manhwa for you guys that you think is genuinely really good but its not as popular?
23 04,2024
about question
this is the main summary:

It is an oppressive universe where casual sex/sex for pleasure/without marriage is looked down upon. Thus after years and years of this notion being enforced... going back to as far as 500 years ago, there is now a new population of people called: libidos.

what do you guys think about it? I created it for fun, but I might actually go through with writing it.
27 01,2024
about question
heres her recent update:

and the google translate:

Hello! It's been a long time since I told you about the release of my next film! I think it'll be released in about a week! I'll post a notice on Twitter! Thank you!
08 05,2024
about question
2 weeks ago, I decided to make mood boards and this week, I'll basically make anything you want on canvas. it could be a profile picture, another moodboard, a banner, a cover etc, as long as its not over-complicated and I can actually manage to finish it within the same day. just describe to me (in detail please) what you actually want, the colour scheme, etc.

as for how many people i'll do, well tht depends what you guys decide to request, but heres what i'll say: I can almost certainly do 10 requests without fail, but anymore more than that will depend if I have the free time to do so so its not 100% guranteed.

anyways, first come, first serve.

19 03,2024
about question
I'm genuinely curious on your answers
24 04,2024
about question
i need more writing inspiration, so suggest me some ships I could possibly write for.

just no:
real-life people
television shows (this includes k-dramas)

im willing to write for characters from any anime/manga/manhwa (just please give some background context for why you ship these two together and why you think their dynamic makes sense. it will definitely help and I'll be able to do my own research from there.)

then i'll pick whichever one I think it will give me the most interesting content.

30 03,2024
about question
please, i can't put it into words
11 02,2024
1. Use this picrew:
2. Tell me their names.
3. Whether they are both women, both men or heterosexual.
4. describe their dynamic with each other. (is it toxic or non-toxic etc.)
5. How they met. (it can be as long as you want or very brief.)
6. Their ages.
7. If you win, do you want the one-shot to be NSFW or SFW?
8. describe their love in three adjectives.

obviously, if they are under 18, then the fanfic is going to be SFW regardless of whether you choose NSFW or not so decide carefully.

The winner will have the one-shot posted on my A03 and wattpad.
ill also be creating a personalised cover as well.

try and be as creative as possible, the deadline to enter will be until the 28th of july, then after that i'll no longer be accepting anymore entries.

no pressure, i hope everyone has fun doing this!
21 07,2023
about question
please explain the phenomenon that is (hot) men in uniform because i need the police officers, the military, the firefighters, to hit me the hell up asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29 03,2024
about question
I'll basically make anything you want on canvas. it could be a profile picture, a banner, a cover, a edit, a logo etc, as long as its not over-complicated and I can actually manage to finish it within the same day. just describe to me (in detail please) what you actually want, the colour scheme, etc.

as for how many people i'll do, well tht depends what you guys decide to request, but heres what i'll say: I can almost certainly do 10 requests without fail, but anymore more than that will depend if I have the free time to do so so its not 100% guranteed.

anyways, first come, first serve.

thank you!!
22 03,2024


I know its been a while, but I really had to take my time to read each entry carefully so I could take in what the story is meant to be, and see how I can formulate in my head. So once I did this for every entry, (a great couple of the entries were great,) the winning entry became more and more clearer.

But can I just say, I was honestly astounded on how very creative the stories were and for that I really have to stand up and give a round of applause. Well done, thank you for all of your efforts, blood and tears. Your all great writers. However, at the end of the day, I have to decide on one entry only, since that was what I promised in the first place. So without further ado, congratulations...


Thank you for your entry, it was amazing.

As for the rest of you, please do not be disappointed! I want you all to give yourself a pat in the back, because my decision wasn't easy at all! all it really comes down to at the end of the day is personal preference + details + nitpicking, so when i was reading each entry, I was looking at things that I thought were prehaps either too ambiguous for me to make it work in the story etc...

but i won't go too much into detail about that. anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed the contest, and look forward to possibly another one coming later! thanks and continue to check my a03 and wattpad for when the winning entry will be posted.
07 08,2023
about question
long story short, i accidentally paid for canvas pro and I want to use it as much as i can before the subscription runs out.

so basically, describe what you like generally (it can be vague, i want it to be challenging) and ill try and make a mood board out of it and see if its accurate to your tastes or not.
29 02,2024
about question
i don't want to be the one to search for it, so let me know if it is found
06 05,2024
Heres the picrew here:

Have fun, can't wait to see your creations :)
(I would say girlfriend as well, its just there isn't many feminine clothing to choose from.)
28 06,2021